
Chapter 313

His words rendered the Head Templar of the Spear and Shield speechless. Most of the seats in front of me were occupied by the templars who followed the 2nd Prince. Pontus gazed upon the audience before emphasising.

“You arrogant man, you were the one who threw your swords towards the Templars of Chaos.”

He had told me that he had become a Templar of Chaos because he could no longer stand by and watch the emperor’s atrocities. He had requested I take pity on the ignorant.

“Most of you all are well aware of the ugly truth behind this Empire.”

Pontus‘ quiet yet cold voice resonated. His soft voice dominated the hall. In short, he managed to capture the attention of the space, forcing them all to turn their gazes towards one man.

“What do you think? Head Templar of Wisdom?”

The man who was receiving the gazes looked up. He looked to be very young, seeming to be in his late twenties.

‘Was he here this whole time?’

“I never expected for you to ask me this so suddenly but since you did, I shall have to answer.”

The reason why he looked so childlike could be because his youthfulness stood out against the old templars and Head Templars.

I scoured the information Rebecca and Amor had collected for me to read.

‘Apparently, he had succeeded Julian’s maternal grandfather to become the Head Templar.’

I knocked on the throne to call for Rebecca.

“Didn’t you say that the person who succeeded the late Head Templar of Wisdom was his younger brother?”

Furrowing my brows, I whispered.

“His age may raise some eyebrows but he is indeed his younger brother.”

Rebecca answered my wordless question.

“He is said to be a late child of the late Head Templar’s father. He is an illegitimate child.”

So, the father of the late Head Templar of Wisdom managed to birth a late child?

‘The powers of a Head Templar of Wisdom are also inherited by blood.’

The more blood ran in their veins, the stronger their powers. The same went for the Templars of Metis, the Goddess of Wisdom, the 3rd God.

However, because of the recent coup, the status of the Temple of Wisdom, which held the highest status in the Empire after the Imperial Family was almost destroyed.

The strongest of the survivors must have taken over.

But to say that he was Julian’s grand-uncle with a face like that…

“Moreover, most templars are able to look young for a long time.”

Then, I wanted to ask why the Head Templar over there looked so aged. He must have lived for a very long time if that was the case.

“Your Majesty.”

The Head Templar of Wisdom called for me.

“May the Head Templar of Wisdom, Dike, dare say something.”

They must have heard the conversation I had with Rebecca earlier but chose to ignore it. This was what it meant to have power. When I nodded to give my permission, the glasses-bearing man gave a soft smile. I thought those glasses were a tool to soften his sharp expressions.

“I do believe it is time to prepare for war. We are currently very busy. I do believe that it is not a bad idea to join forces with the Templars of Chaos.”

He might not like the idea but he had no choice. I continued to stare at the man, signalling him to continue.

“However, this humble servant does have a small question. I cannot say that during this Empire’s long history, all the emperors were the oldest sons of their fathers but most heirs were.”

Although the eyes of the spectators narrowed, he continued calmly.

“It is common for another powerful templar to take the throne if there are no other heirs available but there is still a prince who is still alive. A prince who is also a powerful templar.”

“Are you referring to me?”

Amor, who had been comfortably leaning on the right side of my throne, spoke languidly. Amor looked slightly irritated.

“Oh dear, please do not be upset, my prince. Your Majesty, I am merely reminding you of our traditions. A wise emperor will be well aware that the Head Templar of Wisdom is the one who presides over the ascension. We might be busy but we cannot completely disregard our traditions, can we?”

“Look here, Head Templar of Wisdom. What are you getting at?”

Granius, who had been keeping silent thus far, spoke up.

“Oh dear, you must be feeling uncomfortable, Head Templar of Strength.”

“I’d like to know why you are picking these small quarrels when we have a war ahead of us.”

“Did you just call this a quarrel? If that’s the case, let me make myself clearer.”

The Head Templar of Wisdom straightened his back, looking away from the desk Granius had destroyed.

He had brown hair. At first glance, strands of his hair that had been struck by sunlight glowed in gold. The gaze behind his glasses remained cold as though he was calculating something.

“Our great traditions have been kept in our code of law. Women cannot be emperors.”

Everyone swallowed their breaths. No one had expected anyone to directly challenge my right to the tone.

“This was a tradition the late emperor had established. What do you think, Your Majesty?”

He asked as he lowered his head.

Even though he was addressing me properly, he was questioning my legitimacy. But I was glad to know that he only had this up his sleeve.

Pure ridicule was all he had planned.

“Despite how you emphasised that we are currently living in busy times, you still managed to find time to ask all the questions you wanted.”

Rebecca commented.

“Since you’ve become the emperor, you should adjust the way you act and the way you hold yourself.”

“How so?”

“You ought to be more dignified.”

I learned how to speak and act differently from how I was taught when I had just been a princess. It was funny.

My life kept changing and changing. Before I realised it, I had climbed to the top from the bottom and was now looking down on all those who called me an abandoned princess.

“Let me ask you. Who was the one who came up with that law?”

“The late emperor did.”

“That emperor is now buried six feet under.”

I rested my fingers on my lips before narrowing my eyes.

“And who am I?”

“… The emperor.”

The Head Templar replied reluctantly. After his reply, my smile turned as thick as ink.

“You’re right. I am the emperor. I was the one who protected the crystal supporting this Empire from my brother.”

No one could force the emperor to do anything.

“If the crystal had been destroyed, people like you wouldn’t be able to stand before me as you currently are.”


“I was the one who saved this Empire so I wonder what you’re plotting after attempting to drag me down like that…”

I smiled broadly.

“Or, would you prefer if I act like a tyrant?”

Someone inhaled sharply.

“… No, we wouldn’t.”

“I was merely teasing. I do not wish to rule like the late emperor.”

I made eye contact with the Head Templar of Wisdom.

“And I do not wish to be like my brother.”

A long time ago, I thought the throne was so high it would be difficult for anyone sitting on it to see anybody on the ground.

However, now I realised that a templar’s sight was better than the average man’s, which was why I could see all their faces crystal clearly.

Some were blushing, some looked flustered while one remained as calm as ever.

I looked away from the Head Templar of Wisdom.

“Alright. Head Templar of Wisdom, Dike. As you’ve just said, I still have two or more brothers still alive.”

I didn’t bother to ask the 3rd Prince and Dane–who was currently not present.

“What do you think? Brother.”

Instead, I asked Amor, who was leaning on the right side of my throne.

“Do you desire the throne?”


Glancing at me, Amor smiled.

“I desire something else.”

Just at that moment, a lovely flower bloomed upon the throne. Between the blooming flowers, he showed me an expression only I could see. As if to say the question alone offended him.

He reached out to kiss the back of my hand.

“I am satisfied with the seat next to you.”

He mumbled so that only I could hear before submitting himself by kneeling before me.

“Your Majesty, though we may not be siblings related by blood, the Lord of the Gods has recognized you as emperor–the crown and ring you wear is proof.”

Still, only I could see the way he looked at me. A gaze that showed that he was not willing to back down.

“You have already proved yourself. Some may unreasonably doubt your legitimacy to the throne but such people…”

His cold sharp gaze shifted downwards.

“No one would bat an eye if they were to disappear.”

No one here would know what he was insinuating. Or were they aware of our relationship.

I caressed his cheek lovingly before turning my head.

“He is right.”

I turned to a man who was not even looking at me.

“What do you think, my other brother?”

I addressed Julian who had yet to utter a single word. His eyes turned to face me. He seemed to understand.


“Yes, brother.”

His informal address was my final act of consideration towards him.

He rose from his seat.

“You astonish me. You make me wonder if I could ever pull something like this off.”

He flashed a soft bitter smile.

The 2nd Prince. The man who was once the closest to the throne. I had never once properly faced him.

At first, we didn’t know each other and when we met in the tower, I had sought him out because I was desperate.

Everyone told me he was a good man. However, only Castor was critical of him.

Perhaps the day we discover his true thoughts would never come. The man, who was once Castor’s last shred of conscience and his final pillar looked upon me affectionately.

“I had once wanted to properly address you by name and have a conversation with you.”

For some reason, the first to instantly notice my gaze was Julian.

“Because we’re siblings.”

Julian laughed.

“But this will be the last time we do.”

The men who follow Julian were extremely loyal. That was why, even now, there were still those who cannot give up on him. Both of us were well aware of that fact. One side had to bend and cave in.

“My dearest Majesty, as the 2nd Prince, I have one final request.”

In the blink of an eye, his tone changed. His kindness suddenly disappeared and now the man who stood before me was the 2nd Prince, the one who was once closest to the throne.

“I plead with you, let me stand before you to ask for this favour.”

He wanted to look dignified one last time.

Once I granted him my permission, he climbed up the stairs to the front of the throne to a point he was no longer allowed to get closer.

With a soft smile, he acted immediately.

“Julian Pollux Kaltanias. As the 2nd prince of this Empire, I swear.”

He bent over like an old pine tree.

“My final request is for you to accept this oath.”

After living a barren life isolated in a tower for so long, he still managed to kneel down gracefully.

“This oath is one I swear to never break as I pledge to the River Styx. I swear to never betray you.”

Under tension anyone would find hard to breathe in, he lowered his head.

“I will not betray you in the face of any hardship. For saving this traitor, you are the merciful one.”

His loosely tied golden hair cascaded down.

“I pledge my allegiance to the honourable emperor.”

His voice remained dignified and clear. The oath wasn’t as binding since Julian was not a templar. Unlike templars, they did not use their fate as collateral.

However, as long as his oath was declared publicly, he would never be able to covet the throne ever again. He gave everything up himself.

“I will obey you till the day I die.”

The moment he completely castrated before me, the rest of the templars in the hall followed suit.

As if it was only natural for them to do so.

I raised my head to look at the Head Templar of Wisdom, the man that first questioned my legitimacy. He too had lowered his head like the other templars as if he had never voiced his displeasure in the first place.

He lowered his head too amicably. It was as though he had planned to from the beginning.

“Now, we can finally talk about the war.”

Amor pointed out sharply. I smiled to show my agreement,


After the meeting concluded, I was escorted back to my room by a patrol.

“In the end, nothing was decided.”

“Because we need to understand the situation first. An envoy will soon arrive from Ephesus.”

“That’s Diana’s land, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Her Head Templar is a very capable general.”

Rebecca shared how she was known for her archery and explained more about the bow she used.

“It’s a powerful artefact.”

“Then, she should have no problem holding out against them, right?”

“Perhaps for a while.”

War was not something anyone could prepare for overnight. Moreover, the Empire was currently in a state of chaos after just bouncing back from a coup.

‘Some talented templars were also killed or executed as a result of the coup.’

There was a nasty saying that described how if there was someone causing a mess, there would always be someone forced to clean it up. Because if they didn’t, it would only cause more trouble.

“Our biggest problem is the lack of capable commanders.’

“Yes. But there will be a big backlash.”

“Call all that are capable of fighting and send them to Granius.”

Surprisingly, Granius was helping to discipline the otherwise vocal templars. Seeing how he was able to stop the fight between the Templars of the Sword and Shield and the Templars of Chaos, I realised that he wasn’t placed in charge of the patrols for no reason.

‘Still, we lack men.’

While listening to Rebecca’s report, I entered the hallway and spotted a man loitering in the distance.


He raised his head in a flash.

“Your Majesty. I heard you called for me.”

He raised his head instantly. I definitely called for him but I didn’t expect him to wander around in the hallway like that.

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