
Chapter 110 - Advantages

I starred into Fang\'s now golden eyes and saw the monster he hid behind it. There was not a single moment I had thought that he was doing things for my good. Especially after he had revealed how his previous plans included torturing me or marrying me off to the vampires. 

Fang sighed, closing his eyes as they went back to his devil black eyes and loosened the grip on my face. He raised his chin and kiss on my forehead, "The faster you heal your wrists, the faster you will leave Waterwoods. The paperwork you came for is being taken care of."

Here he was flipping again, hot and cold. The kiss he gave on my forehead was a gentle one, and yet he coldly left me with my injuries to heal.

The chains that were binding me were made of silver and I could not turn into my wolf. This way I won\'t be able to heal myself and leave here. Fang said he was taking care of the paperwork, but what use was it when he wanted to trap me here. Fang left the room, leaving me alone and shackled. My body slouched against the wall of pillows behind me as I stared at the night lamp at the bedside. 

It was when I was 16 years old my werewolf had awakened early as compared to the average populace. Dandeline was there by my side during my transformation.

The entire night, my screams of agony resounded throughout the dungeons as the bones in my body broke one after the other, shifting back and forth between my wolf and my human form. Next morning, the queen\'s personal guard had come to check on my ability and I had bluffed it as an illusionist with help of Dandeline. How could I let my abilities be known so easily?

From then on, I practised my Blood Noesis on Dandeline, healing her injuries and the fatigue she used to receive due to overwork. 

But one day, my special abilities disappeared from my clutches. As if it never existed. After so many hard tries, during one of my training sessions, I was brought back to the dungeons injured with a twisted ankle. That was when my wolf was able to heal. 

My special abilities were taken away from my human form, lending it only to my wolf. And now Fang had me here in a pickle, where I could not turn into my wolf because of the silver chains, and neither can I heal in my human form. 

I looked at the silver chains that gripped my wrists mercilessly with blood that showed the resistance I had put up. "How am I supposed to get out like this, Fang? Why do you make things hard for me?" I said in a whisper as my head hung low and my eyes closed. 

If desperate times called for desperate measures, then be it. I had nothing else to do, and with Fang not here, I had nothing to negotiate. 

Of course, I could act passive aggressive and stay like this, starve till Fang is forced to let me go. But my Alpha blood refused to stay at that mercy. If that time comes, then it would come only naturally. Till then I would try my everything to get out of this. 

I looked at where the chains were tied and it was by the end of the bedpost. I tried to reach either of the sides, but Fang had a vast bed for just one person and a wide headboard. 

So there was the other option of breaking the chains that I have been trying for quite some time and had been unsuccessful. I tugged with all the force I could conjure, but the chains stayed as they were, and neither did the bedpost budge. 

I heard padded footsteps towards the bedroom of the tent and Fang came inside. He leaned against the big cupboard, folding his arms over his chest. His biceps straining over the sleeves. "So much struggle. Can you keep it down, I am trying to read and sign a week\'s worth of documents for your stupid competition outside." He pointed with his thumb behind him to show he was right in the room adjacent to where I was held captive. 

"Well, I would be quiet if you open the chains here, and they are just five papers you need to check, nothing worth a week of work," I deliberately moved my hand to have the chains rattle. 

Fang rolled his eyes, "I don\'t do this kind of job. It is a week\'s worth for me. Just try to use your innate ability and I would free you." 

How whiny he was to say that those documents were too much for him, "Then let the elders do that job, no one asked you to do it"

"How can I let anyone else do a job that concerns you," Fang remarked with a smirk to have me give him a hard stare. 

I tugged the chain roughly, this time drawing more blood from my wrist. My face went red with the pressure I was using and I finally let it go, knowing how useless it is. My lungs heaved for air as I looked at Fang and said with a raspy voice, "You really don\'t care about me, do you, to let me keep hurting like this."

Fang raised one of his eyebrows, ridiculed by my words, "Are you a five-year-old for me to care about those stupid welts around your wrist which I know will heal the moment you turn into your wolf. For God sake, you grew your leg back don\'t make me pity you on something so petty."

I starred at his obnoxious face and how I wanted to scratch those pretty features of his. When I had fought against John to save Channing, I had lost my leg, which I was careful to grow back before my body fell unconscious.

Miraculously during that time, I had controlled my ability to just heal one part of my body which I could not do again after that. But what kind of explanation was that on Fang\'s end?

I pulled the chains again, trying to break the chains, and Fang walked ahead to me. He held both my hands and pushed them back. I breathed heavily for the efforts that I had put into breaking the unyielding chains. Fang looked at my wrists, moving the cuff away from where the wounds had formed. His finger gently caressed the injured area, making me flinch. 

My eyes met with his as I pleaded with puppy eyes for him to show kindness and open the chains for me. 

His tongue came out, and he licked the blood that had trickled down my hands and then around the wounds. My hand kept flinching at the touch of his coarse tongue, but he held my wrist in place. He then went to my other wrist and did the same, tenderly licking over the wounds that I had caused myself. 

I did not resist him as I hoped that this gentleness would lead to him freeing me. I looked at the first wrist he had licked and to my surprise; the wounds had started to close. It was healing at a fast rate, and I looked at Fang, confused. 

He smirked at my reaction, "I have marked you now. We are mates and this is one thing that mates can do for each other. Plus, we are both Alphas, so it is a rather rapid process for us."

My eyes went back to the injury that reversed on my skin. I knew mates could understand each other\'s distress from far away, but not these kinds of powers. 

I looked at him in anticipation that now he will open the chains. Fang let go of my hand and, with a smile, got up from the bed, "Okay, continue now, try to break free, the condition remains the same."

I grunted in anger and pulled on the cuffs, extending my hand to try to reach him, but he angelically walked back. I huffed with the welts that reappeared on my wrists because of the angry lashing.

"Fang," I called with my ragged breath.

"Yes, little one," he asked with a saintly smile on his lips. 

I gulped through my heaving breaths, "I think I need that glass of water."

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