
Chapter 187

Cain woke up that night being strapped on the bed, his whole body covered in bandages. They couldn’t return on Zaleria’s back in their condition, they would just fall off.

His whole body was screaming in pain, it was one thing getting cut while fighting but now that he relaxed, he could feel the pain a lot better.

“You’re awake, how do you feel.” A voice called him from the side, as he looked it was Zaleria.

“Horrible, where are the rest?” He asked, he can’t remember a lot after canceling Kayden’s magic.

“Injured but alive, they seem to have pulled through after you passed out.” She smiled, “That bi’ch brought two death knights with her, they managed to give her an escape route.”

“You talking about Morena? She is a necromancer after all, how did those two death knights look?” Cain only remembered her to be able to summon one.

“A large woman with a tower shield and a spear, the other one was a large man with a greatsword and a black armor. They turned into black ash after I burned them, I don’t think my fire is supposed to do that.” Zaleria said with a thinking face, she was sure she couldn’t burn them to ask with what she used.

“We have to move!” Cain sat up immediately ignoring his wounds. “That black swordsman is bad news.

“Hold up, your wounds will open up. What got into you?” Zaleria rushed to push him down on the bed. He shouldn’t get up until Alice recovers enough MP to heal him. That will take about three days of treatments to finish them all.

“The gates of the end have been opened, we have to return to Furberg before it’s too late.” Since he woke up he should have recovered his whole MP.

“All of this was just distraction, they going to attack Furberg, we need to get back quickly.” He said. The black swordsman death knight was one of the three bosses of the S-rank dungeon. That meant it had broken early, this must be Morena’s doing.

Zaleria’s face turned serious, “Then you stay here, I will go blast that dungeon immediately.”

“No, you can’t. As strong as you may be, to clear the dungeon you must break the gate and kill the bosses. Both require holy magic, with my seal you only have one strike a day. The dungeon would recover before you could do anything!” She couldn’t grasp what he was saying except the part about holy magic. She can’t do that, especially since dragons have no god, they killed their only god eons ago.

“Alice!” Even though she was in the room below, she heard his work and teleported to his side. From her face, it was clear that she would have preferred to stay in bed.

“You can use my Mana, heal your wounds and then ours.” Cain said and Zaleria looked at him in surprise, ‘They can do that…’

Alice was relieved she could do that. She didn’t attempt it since he was using [Animate dead] on himself and she feared hurting him again.

After healing her wounds enough that she could move better she proceeded to heal his. “Should I heal the others?” She asked and Cain nodded.

“How about the wounded villagers?” She asked as a lot of them were injured. Cain thought about it for a second and replied, “No, I need the MP.”

She nodded in agreement and stormed out, they won’t go back on Zaleria’s back. They will instead go back on foot, through the forest. It might be a hellish trip for the girls but they need to get strong enough for the war ahead. That also included himself who was just level 7.

“Listen, you have to calm down. If I can’t fight that dungeon then what could you do in your condition?” Zaleria was right, as Cain stood he was too weak to even face her, then how could he take on something she can’t?

“I agree with you that I’m weak, but things are spiraling out of control way too fast. I need to be the one to destroy the dungeon gate while having the girls erase all the monsters. Then we can have a fair chance fighting the three bosses.” Cain said as started changing his clothes, It was midnight but he was getting ready to set at once.

“I asked you how you could do it, not what you needed to do.” Zaleria cut his path.

Cain sighed, he knew she was right. In her eyes, there was no way he could have such strength. “Ninth-tier magic [Meteor fall] I will drop it on the gate while using the ninth-tier magic [Prismatic dome] to protect the city from the blast. That way I can destroy the dungeon gate with a big chunk of the monsters.”

Zaleria blinked twice before laughing, “And where could someone like you find two ninth-level spells? Even I only managed to get one.” She was right, ninth tier magic wasn’t something easily attainable. He was like a four years old saying that he will get two high-level degrees in two days.

“That won’t be a problem, I already know a couple of dozens of them,” Cain said as if it was normal. To him, it was, with how much he spent honing his magic in his past.

“How about this, if I told something unbelievable, would you mind listening to me without saying a word?” Cain asked if it would be helpful if she was more obedient. He wishes to have her go and warn the city. But he knew she wouldn’t accept leaving Sofia with him in the dangerous trip he was going to put them through.

“Listening to you? If you managed to pull something big I wouldn’t mind becoming your slave.” She said with confidence, that Cain was a talented person but he should be knowledgeable enough to support his claims.

Her suggestion surprised Cain, he knew that dragons were arrogant but this was a stroke of good luck. “You better keep your words!” He insisted, will the tides with this time and she can be his slave? Did the timeline flip over itself?

“You’re ninth-tier magic is [Hell storm], it cost you a lot of MP that you can only use it once a day. To make up for that, collect MP for your breath but instead of exhaling the fire, turn that MP to the spell and give it some time to simmer. It might double the casting time but doing it like this would allow you to cast it over and over. There are twenty-five known ninth-tier spells in the world, your father said that was wrong and that there are thirty-seven spells. I would tell you the truth there are a hundred and eighty-two spells, And I know all of them and from them a hundred and three I only know.” He stopped to take a breath, Zaleria was zoning out as she couldn’t grasp what he just said.

“You might be stronger than me, I give you that. But I still can force you to obey me now.” He said, “Like this…” She could feel a faint stinging pain in her nails, it was getting stronger a bit by bit.

“I could activate them all at the same time whenever I want, so good luck with the pain,” Cain added, making it clear that he was in control. Even if he was weaker it didn’t mean he wasn’t the great enchanter he was before. Just because he got weaker it didn’t mean that everyone else got stronger.

“Hold up don’t activate them…” She said with sweat dripping from her forehead. “You also touched the link between me and sylph, this is the reason, someone like her was my slave if you wanted to know.” He added.

“Ok, Ok I understand the second part. so calm down a bit. What I’m saying is that you should allow the girls to rest mentally a bit. Can you give them a night’s rest at least?” She asked, and she had a point. Fighting a demon must have drained them both mentally and physically.

“Fine, we will wait until dawn. Would you mind going back to the city to warn them first? And don’t show your draconic form, you will only cause unneeded panic. And take Lexi with you as well, she won’t be able to handle the trip.” He said.

“I got that, see you at home. Anything else you want me to do?” She asked, Cain thought about her words for a moment. “Tell the dragon’s fang to not engage directly in the fight, we might need their full power at the boss battle.”

“Got it, see you there.” Zaleria got and woke Lexi up, had her change clothes, and get ready for a flight to Furberg. Cain noticed that Zaleria didn’t say a single word of objection to carrying Lexi on her back as she did before, she was holding her promise of not complaining.

At that point, the room door opened and the girls entered, wondering what was going on. Cain explained the gist of it.

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