
Chapter 834 Lilia’s Training Plan

Chapter 834 Lilia\'s Training Plan

Cain landed in the middle of the ice, staring at the wasteland around him. The last time he was here, they had to fight Silver.

As the ice storms of Cania got stronger, he decided to move. The way leading to Nessis is somewhere around here.


"So, Tell me why I\'m sitting here watching Selena and Sofia about to fight?" Alice turned to look at Lilia.

"You\'re an amazing healer, we\'re going to suck you dry for training. It\'s your punishment, remember?" Lilia smiled.

"Really? Thought you meant something else," Alice sighed.

"Come on, being unproductive is the last thing we want now," Lilia smiled, "We have to get everyone stronger by any means, and we don\'t have much time." She looked at the two girls about to fight, "Worry not. You\'re going to heal and heal until your arms fall off. It\'s better for us to get injured here where we can get healed rather than when facing the abominations,"

Aria appeared in the middle of the air, flapping her wings as she glided down toward Lilia and Alice. "I see they are about to start," She smiled.

"How is Cain?" Lilia asked.

"He got into the ice cave leading to Nessis. Me and him are the same, so we can stay linked." She looked at Selen and Sofia as they faced each other, about to start the fight.

"Do you think your world can handle the fights?" Aria stared at Lilia.

"Of course it can," Lilia replied with a smile, "You know me,"

"I was just asking in case. You know how strong some of the girls can get. Facing the lesser abomination is one thing, and when the ones similar to Silver come, it is a whole other story." With a flick of her finger, Aria conjured three chairs.

The three girls sat and started watching.

BAM! Selena blitzed, her jaws seeking Sofia\'s head. But as soon as she got close, Sofia\'s body jerked violently, releasing a lightning-fast punch that sent Selena flying to the clouds. No matter how extreme or strong a jaguar\'s body can get, it\'s no match for the dragon\'s perfect biology.

Thud! Sofia stomped forward, flames bursting from beneath her feet as she a jet of fire expanded from her back, propelling her into the sky.

Selena twisted her body mid-air, catching Sofia\'s face with her hand claws. "Don\'t die," In the blink of an eye, Selena used her foot claws to kick repeatedly at Sofia\'s stomach like a cat trying to rip its prey apart.

Sofia lifted her knees, blocking Selena\'s kicks with a smile on her face. "My scales are strong enough," She then swung a fist at Selena\'s face.

Selena blocked the punch with her wrist and swung a claw at Sofia\'s neck, but that was blocked as Sofia caught and twisted her arm.

Using the twisting motion, Selena swung her second arm at Sofia\'s head.

Sofia ducked beneath the attack and headbutted Selena in the face. All while their legs exchanged kicks and blocks at a high speed.

"They are fast," Alice said.

"Selena is holding back a lot. She doesn\'t want to hurt Sofia," Lilia sighed, "Sofia on the other hand is going all out while barely keeping slightly ahead of her."

Aria nodded, "You\'re right, in hand-to-hand combat, none is better than Selena here. Let me try something,"

Aria stood, clearing her throat, "Selena! The Sofia ahead of you is fake and Cain said you should kill it,"

Sofia swung a punch at Selena\'s chest, but then gasped as she saw Selena\'s jaw open wide. CRUNCH! In the blink of an eye, Sofia\'s arm went wrist-deep in Selena\'s jaw before the Jaguar bit it off.

"What?" Sofia gasped again, seeing her right hand missing,

ROAAAAAAAAAAR! Selena growled, enraged. If it was Aria saying that, it must be true. A switch flipped in her head, this wasn\'t training anymore, it\'s hunting.

Selena\'s claws held tight to Sofia\'s knees as she blocked the kicks while her front claws grabbed Sofia by the shoulders. Her jaw opened wide, ready to bite her face off.

TAP! TAP! Aria tapped on Selena\'s head. "Stop, I was lying."

"What-nya?" Selena blinked, staring back with a puzzled face.

With the flick of a finger, she teleported them back to the ground where Alice rushed to heal Sofia.

"You lied-nya!" Selena tried to punch Aira, but her fist was easily dodged.

"I need Sofia to learn something, she isn\'t as aggressive as she thinks." Aria approached Sofia. "You\'re the dragon queen, why don\'t you use your jaws, wings, and tail? You should be able to bite people\'s heads off like Selena, can\'t you?"

Sofia stared at her, "I don\'t eat humans, Selena can."


"You can eat them, you\'re a dragon, their goddess Tiamat on top of that." Aria stared at her with a puzzled face.

"I\'m a human, Sofia Lawrance."

"No, you\'re the dragon goddess, Tiamat. Sofia Lawrance is what you were before." Aria stared at her, "At least your wings and tail, try to fight more in a half-dragon form if you can\'t use your draconic body."

"I will leave you two to fight," Aria turned around and teleported away to check on the rest of the girls.

Sofia stood after getting healed and took a deep breath, opening and closing her mouth, "Let\'s see how long I can last,"


CRACKLE! The moment Aria landed, she could hear blades clashing in the distance. "Now those two are taking this seriously," She smiled, flying to the sky, and saw Hati swing the Eternal blade at Gracie.

Clang! Gracie deflected the sword with her right dagger before trying to stab Hati with the other one.

CRACK! A sheet of stones summoned by Skoll covered Hati\'s side, blocking the dagger as she swung the blade again. "Bedrocks are Eternal!"

"And so are shadows," Gracie replied, using the shadows behind Hati\'s body to teleport.

As Gracie teleported, Hati\'s nine tails rushed at her body, trying to stab her.

Gracie\'s body turned into shadows as she evaded once again, slashing a would across Hati\'s arm. "I\'m still stronger, but you\'re getting better."

"You two are doing well, unlike some others." Aria flew toward them and the two stopped fighting.

"I can\'t stand against her," Hati sighed.

"No, you can." Aria smiled, "You have to keep training with someone stronger."

"I know, but I can\'t seem to pull the full power of this thing," She looked at the eternal blade in her hand, "It\'s been with me for a while but I still can\'t get it to work as I want."

"Probably since it\'s not your weapon only, did you try using it with your sister?" Aria asked.

"No, I didn\'t,"

"Then try." After that, Aria teleported to check on the other girls while leaving Hati and Gracie to fight.

On her way, she noticed that Sara was looking for her so she teleported to the mansion.

"Sara, did you call me?" Aria asked as she saw Sara looking around the living room.

"Aria! I was looking for Cain, but he left for the hells, right?" Sara asked with a bow.

"Yeah, but I can inform him of anything."

"The neighboring kingdoms are trying to make diplomatic relationships with him." Sara explained, "They already sent several diplomats and marriage proposals."

CRACKLE! The moment Aria landed, she could hear blades clashing in the distance. "Now those two are taking this seriously," She smiled, flying to the sky, and saw Hati swing the Eternal blade at Gracie.

Clang! Gracie deflected the sword with her right dagger before trying to stab Hati with the other one.

CRACK! A sheet of stones summoned by Skoll covered Hati\'s side, blocking the dagger as she swung the blade again. "Bedrocks are Eternal!"

"And so are shadows," Gracie replied, using the shadows behind Hati\'s body to teleport.

As Gracie teleported, Hati\'s nine tails rushed at her body, trying to stab her.

Gracie\'s body turned into shadows as she evaded once again, slashing a would across Hati\'s arm. "I\'m still stronger, but you\'re getting better."

"You two are doing well, unlike some others." Aria flew toward them and the two stopped fighting.

"I can\'t stand against her," Hati sighed.

"No, you can." Aria smiled, "You have to keep training with someone stronger."

"I know, but I can\'t seem to pull the full power of this thing," She looked at the eternal blade in her hand, "It\'s been with me for a while but I still can\'t get it to work as I want."

"Probably since it\'s not your weapon only, did you try using it with your sister?" Aria asked.

"No, I didn\'t,"

"Then try." After that, Aria teleported to check on the other girls while leaving Hati and Gracie to fight.

On her way, she noticed that Sara was looking for her so she teleported to the mansion.

"Sara, did you call me?" Aria asked as she saw Sara looking around the living room.

"Aria! I was looking for Cain, but he left for the hells, right?" Sara asked with a bow.

"Yeah, but I can inform him of anything."

"The neighboring kingdoms are trying to make diplomatic relationships with him." Sara explained, "They already sent several diplomats and marriage proposals."


"Cain says I can handle that instead of him. Where are they?" Aria replied.

"Really? That would help a lot." Sara replied with a smile and a sign of relief on her face. "They are at the castle, shall we go now or should I give them a time?"

"No need, I\'m coming with you right now. Getting some diplomatic relation will help us evacuate the humanoids out of the mortal world when the war breaks."

"I know, me, and Cain already thought of that." Sara smiled, "Just, don\'t go overboard with them. They are humans like me after all,"

Aria nodded, "Don\'t worry, the last thing we want is harming them," She lifted her hand and flicked her fingers, "Let\'s go,"

DING! Aria and Sara appeared in the castle\'s main hall, standing behind a crowd of people who waited there.

"All of those?" Aria asked.

"Yeah, they came from several kingdoms and noble families. Humans can get crazy when someone like Cain appears, they think he\'s a demi-god after all." Sara scratched her chin, knowing that Cain is an overgod.

Aria nodded, even a demi-god was more than a big deal to humans.

She started walking toward the crowd and lifted her hand, pushing people out of the way as she headed with Sara toward the staircase leading to the next floor.

"Stop right there!" A guard pointed his spear at Aria, "Who are you? All diplomats aren\'t allowed into the second floor of the castle."

"James," Sara looked from behind Aria, that guard worked there for quite some time, but he didn\'t get a chance to see Aria or know her.

"Your Highness!" The guard gasped, "Sorry for blocking your path," He quickly moved his spear away and bowed, "Please go ahead."

"Thank you," Sara smiled as they walked past him, "And be careful next time with her," She pointed at Aria.

"Hoi! Who\'s that woman!" A man shouted from the crowd of diplomats.

"That\'s right! We\'ve been here for hours!" A woman shouted after him.

Sara looked back at them, "Her?" She giggled, "Aria, why don\'t you introduce yourself."

Aria turned toward them, her eyes glowing blue as twelve pairs of pure wings expanded from her back and five halos adorned with magic circles emerged from her head.

"Aria Lisworth, Cain Lisworth\'s Archon and the collective consciousness of the world system." As she said those words, everyone could see their systems appear out of nowhere in front of them, glitching as they displayed one message. "BOW TO THE QUEEN!"

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