
Chapter 364. Revolution (3)

“I see. That’s why the legend…” Ru Amuh sounded regretful to hear that Chi-Hyun had remained alone in the Sernitas’ territory, but he didn’t appear worried. Chi-Woo thought Ru Amuh was just resolute and unwavering in any situation, yet he thought wrong. If it had been Chi-Woo instead of Chi-Hyun staying behind in the Sernitas’ territory, Ru Amuh would’ve raised hell and immediately rushed there. It wasn’t that Ru Amuh wasn’t worried about Chi-Hyun at all, but that he realized once again due to this experience that he had nothing to fear if he was with Teacher. That was how much Ru Amuh trusted Chi-Woo.

If he knew what was going through Ru Amuh’s head, Chi-Woo would’ve been a bit horrified; his device’s helper, Mimi, had advised him to maintain a trust level over 90% but below 100% for his stars.

“I will visit Goddess Shahnaz as soon as I arrive at the city. If I lack merits, I will go on a mission right away. I need to raise my strengths as much as possible.”

Chi-Woo strongly agreed with Ru Amuh’s resolution. This wasn’t the time for them to be picky. They needed to do everything they could, whether small or big, to push their progress.

‘It’s time for me to raise my tiers and focus on my fostering list,’ Chi-Woo thought. ‘Let me see. My merits are…’


As soon as Chi-Woo returned to Shalyh and arrived at the Seven Stars, he was shocked. One of the buildings surrounding the main one was completed. Its general shape was slightly altered, and it looked as if the buhguhbus had converted the building into a professional workshop.

“Good to see you again, Boss. I heard about what happened from the temporary team 3 leader. Good work.” Perhaps it was because Chi-Woo had contacted him before he arrived at Shalyh, Eval was already outside the building to welcome him back. Then, after they moved to his office, Chi-Woo listened to reports on everything that had happened during his absence.

“The renovation began before the expedition team even came back. The buhguhbus firmly believed that you will succeed, and thanks to that, they were able to get to work as soon as they received the toharis.”

It was decided that Yeriel would lead the production, and in exchange for providing materials and labor, the buhguhbus were granted monopoly over distributing and selling the goods.

“Truthfully, I was worried about the miscellaneous expenses, but your team brought back a considerable amount of precious metals and gems. So, it appears that we won’t have to worry about expenses for the time being.”

Furthermore, Seven Stars and the buhguhbus were going to split the profit in a ratio of 6 to 4. Seven Stars would get 60% of the profits. In other words, if all things went well, they would barely have to worry about money from then on. Eval smiled while explaining this.

“So, how is the production going?”

“Well, it’s quiet now. They haven’t left the workshop at all, so we’ll have to wait a bit longer.”

Considering the Mariaju’s reputation, no one had any doubt that they would make substantial progress, but the problem was when they would finish. Then, after they talked about a couple of more things, Eval said Chi-Woo should rest now and left after bowing. Chi-Woo didn’t disagree. He didn’t plan to rest, but there were a couple of matters that he needed to take care of at Seven Stars. One of them was—

Chi-Woo heard a sudden scream from outside the office as soon as Eval closed the door and left. Immediately afterward, the door was kicked open, and a pink bob-haired woman rushed in.

“Ms. Yeriel?!”

“Awaaaaaaaken!” She ran and jumped onto the desk, leaning her upper body and face forward.

“Abilitiiiiiies!” Her face was so close to Chi-Woo’s that their noses were touching, and Chi-Woo smiled. Besides whatever the hell Yeriel was doing, she was in a complete mess. Her hair was greasy, her face was smeared with dirt, and there were deep dark lines under her bloodshot eyes. Furthermore, she let out a pungent smell like she hadn’t washed for days. Her condition was so bad that Chi-Woo thought even he was cleaner than her after having wandered listlessly outside for a while.

“W-What is it? Are you okay?” Chi-Woo asked, and Yeriel didn’t answer, but simply repeated ‘Awaken!’ and ‘Abilities!’ like a parrot stuck in a loop. She looked like a scientist who had gone mad. Chi-Woo became worried about her condition and hurriedly used Spirit Eye.

11. Name & Rank: Yeriel Lilly Dula Mariaju (☆☆☆)

5. Tier: Platinum IV

6. Class: Technician -> Engineer -> Beginner Professional Engineer -> Intermediate Professional Engineer -> [Advanced Professional Engineer]

After reading Yeriel’s user information, Chi-Woo realized why she was acting this way.

[Yeriel Lilly Dula Mariaju - Page (1/1)]

1. ‘7 Ways to Become a Great and Respected Parent’: Reach at least 75% in trust (Incomplete)

2. Become acknowledged by the ‘buhguhbu’ tribe and gain their cooperation (Complete)

3. Construct a specialized workshop centered around ‘tohari’ (Complete)

4. Be promoted to ‘Platinum’ Tier and obtain ‘Advanced Professional Engineer’ (Complete)

5. Use at least 4 and at most 6 points of ‘Blessed Luck’ (Incomplete)

Conditions 2 to 4 were all completed, yet Chi-Woo couldn’t help but sigh. The condition for her to reach at least 75% trust in Chi-Woo was not yet complete. This was one condition among the others that he couldn’t do anything about because it all depended on how Yeriel felt.

“You’ve done a lot…but I think it will be difficult.”


“No, I want to help you too. It’s not that I won’t, but can’t.”

“Why!?” Yeriel said angrily.

“I told you. You have to trust me.”

“I trust you, so give me my abilities. Quickly!”


“How much more do I have to trust you! Should I take you to my bedroom right now?”

“No, that’s not what I’m talking about.”

“Then what! Tell me the exact percentage I have to trust in you!”

“A-About 75%....?” Taken aback by her question, Chi-Woo brought up the exact numbers.

“Ah damn it. I never trusted anyone more than 50% before. Give me a moment,” Yeriel said. Then, she closed her eyes and focused as if she was going to perform mind-control on herself. Chi-Woo watched her, wondering what she was going to do.

[Opening up the 7 Ways to Become a Great and Respected Parent]

[Measuring Yeriel Lilly Dula Mariaju’s trust level toward user Chi-Woo]


[Trust-level 75%: Yeriel Lilly Dula Mariaju manipulated her own mind and raised her trust level toward Chi-Woo. Unless she wills it so, this trust level will be maintained and will not waver.]

“?!” Chi-Woo exclaimed in shock. What? Something like this could happen?

“This will be enough right? Now quickly awaken me!”

Chi-Woo thought he would be eaten alive if he hesitated any longer. He raised his chains, which sparkled in the air.

[The Power to Rule the World has been used.]

[Innate ability [Blessed Luck] consumed (66 -> 60).]

[The Power to Rule the World recovers Yeriel Lilly Dula Mariaju’s innate ability, ‘Magic Refinement’]

‘Oh,’ Yeriel’s eyes opened wide, and she exclaimed, “Holy shit! This is it! Everyone is screwed!” She clenched her fists tightly and ran outside. She was like a gambling addict rushing to a casino after finally getting their hands on some money, and Chi-Woo became visibly worried. And after Yeriel left, Chi-Woo heard a knock on his door.

“B-Boss, are you all-right?” Eval carefully peeked his head in. Chi-Woo looked back at him in a daze. It felt as if some kind of storm had passed by him.

Chi-Woo then finally regained his senses and asked, “Do you know why she was acting like that?”

“It’s probably because of what Ms. Yunael told her,” Eval said.

“Ah, that’s why…” Chi-Woo was able to understand Yeriel’s behavior somewhat after hearing the explanation. He didn’t know the exact details, but it appeared that Yeriel felt responsible for the great danger that humanity was facing right now, which was Chi-Hyun’s absence, and wanted to fill the gap until the legend returned. With that thought, she focused on her research while foregoing eating and sleep. Chi-Woo wanted to tell her that there was no need for her to feel responsible, but decided to save his words for the moment. The more desperation a person felt and the more they were cornered in a crisis, the more likely they would display superhuman strengths. And right now, he needed to bring forth any strength he could get.

On this note, this wasn’t the time for him to sit around. Chi-Woo got to his feet.


Chi-Woo went to meet the master he found on Liber: Byeok Ran-Eum.

“I heard that you’ve made some major achievements before coming back here. Why aren’t you resting?” As the master, Byeok worried for her disciple’s wellbeing, but she didn’t turn down Chi-Woo’s request for counseling.

“…You’re asking for the release of your restrictions?” Byeok lowered her head slightly and closed her eyes. She had the habit of doing this whenever she was thinking. After some time, she said, “I want to just say that I trust you but…I can’t help but be worried.”

They had sealed a large portion of the abilities in Chi-Woo’s original user information. Over 80% of his abilities had been locked, but after going to the Hala Forest, Chi-Woo released the first stage of the seal and was maintaining the second stage. However, upon his return from the recent expedition—no, he had been thinking about it ever since he came back from the expedition during which he ran into Samigina. As his brother and his master said, they didn’t have time. Liber wouldn’t wait for him to finish his training until he was satisfied. But thanks to Byeok, he was able to rise to higher levels and utilize what power his body could take. Thus, Chi-Woo told Byeok that he was confident that he could control his power somewhat, but Byeok wasn’t pleased.

“Right now, I can say that you are almost complete against a specific type of enemy. But even that’s not flawless, and you are still too lacking to widen the types of enemies you can confront. I’m sure you know what I’m saying even better than I do.”

Chi-Woo nodded. He realized this thoroughly when battling against the Sernitas.

“So I want to say—no, it is definitely too early for you,” Byeok said firmly. “But I’m sure you’re also aware of that.” She rested her chin on her palms and asked, “You did the calculations, didn’t you? Tell me. What are you scheming?”

“I’m not really scheming anything, but…” Chi-Woo hesitated, but decided to lay out his point briefly. “I’m planning to delete my ‘Breakthrough’ ability.”

Byeok’s eyes opened slightly wider. “Didn’t I tell you to delete that ability a long time ago?”

“Yes. But just in case, I stopped at sealing the ability. But I’m planning to delete it now.”

Breakthrough was an ability Chi-Woo acquired as a benefit of a promotion. Usually, heroes gained a new ability every time they got promoted to a new tier, but it was a bit different for Chi-Woo. Every time he raised the rank of his Core of Balance, he gained a new ability; and Breakthrough was one he acquired when he raised Core of Balance from rank E to D. It was an ability he desperately needed when fighting Zepar and saving Evelyn, but he didn’t necessarily need it now. Depending on how he used it, it could end up being a double-edged sword.

Now that Chi-Woo thought about it, it had become easier for him to draw out the mysterious power he had in him somewhere after the acquisition of Breakthrough; or to be exact, the power he had displayed in his unconscious state. Byeok contemplated these points.

‘Deleting Breakthrough…’ Byeok thought about what would happen if Chi-Woo kept the ability. In a way, Breakthrough was special, and giving up an ability would come with its losses. In the case that they kept the ability, they also had to think about whether keeping it would be worth it despite the disadvantages. Considering Chi-Woo’s current condition, keeping the ability might have tiny amounts of benefits. In the end, Byeok shook her head.

“I don’t know. I don’t think I will reach a conclusion no matter how long I think about it.” The problem with Chi-Woo was so difficult that even a god like La Bella couldn’t approach it easily. Thus, there was no way that a mere human could reach a clear answer. In the end, they could only consider their current situation.

‘That guy is dealing with the Sernitas alone…’ Byeok thought. She had heard about what happened to Chi-Hyun, and she knew that a major crisis was encroaching on Shalyh soon. This was a time when they needed to draw out all the strength they could. Byeok licked her lips. She wasn’t pleased by the decision, but her grounds for disagreeing weren\'t enough.

‘It really is so complicated. It’s almost making my head hurt.’ Disturbing one thing could influence another. They would only know the end result after it happened. Thus, there was only one answer that Byeok could give, which was to trust Chi-Woo.

“If you’re already on the fence about that power, you will be abstaining from it anyways.” Chi-Woo’s face brightened as Byeok gave him a half-approval. “You could leave it as the last measure for unexpected situations, but…it seems like you already made up your mind, so do as you said and delete the Breakthrough ability.”

“Yes, I will do that. Don’t worry too much. I will really be careful,” Chi-Woo replied with a smile, but Byeok didn’t smile in the slightest.

“There’s no way I won’t worry,” Byeok snorted and breathed out a puff of white smoke. Then, she said, “Reach Master tier.”


“Before you reach a tier where you are capable of fully controlling yourself, don’t dream of touching that mysterious power inside you. You must only use it in the worst situations,” Byeok warned Chi-Woo again and again.

As the name indicated, ‘Master’ wasn’t an easy tier to reach. The highest tier that most heroes could reach normally was Diamond. Though there were three more tiers after that, to reach those tiers, one needed to follow a different trajectory one had ever taken before. In other words, it wasn’t a tier one could get to just by passing a promotion test. For example, one of its conditions was to not only get acknowledged by the god one served, but by other gods too. And the first step of working toward that goal was getting one’s worth as a challenger tested, which hinted at how tough the rest of the process would be. One would need to prove themselves through actions rather than words.

“Yes, I understand. I will bear that in mind,” Chi-Woo nodded. He moved away and headed to his lodging place. After confirming that no one was there, he kneeled down and bowed. No matter how big a task was, he needed to start with taking small steps. And now, it was time for him to meet La Bella.

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