
Chapter 300 300: Ring A Ring A Prison III

The only response the captain had for Cole, was to suddenly have him wrapped up in a watery bubble. Cole was locked down as the water seemed to be heavy, heavier than anything he has ever felt before. And while he was able to hold his breath for a significant out of time, there was just something about this watery prison that weekend to be draining him of energy and air.

He furrowed his eyebrows and tried to use [Shadow Dance] however it was as if the skill could not respond of was faulty. The shadows around them flickered in response to the skill, but no matter what Cole did, there was just no movement no matter how hard he tried. He felt his heart skill a beat, as he turned to the captain who had an amused grin on his face.

"My Grand Water Cradle keeps all it\'s occupants incapacitated, and render the ability of using energy moot. Which means skill won\'t work, it is particularly effective in nullifying any sort of teleportation or movement skills. And add that to the fact that 8t it current squeezing you dry of air and energy to reinforce itself, I\'m afraid that no matter what you do, you will remain stuck in that barrier until your body expires."

That left Cole feeling very worried, dying from suffocation or drowning is a very slow and painful way to go, with every moment filled with torture. The only problem Cole had right now was that he was not sure he would be able to die. He was practically immortal, to a certain extent and his body repaired itself almost instantly. And every time after a repair his body would always be stronger, with his Demonic Constitution fixing his body up to make it more resilient to what had brought it down in the first place.

Cole could try to outlast the Fishman, but that won\'t work as this guy was in the gold rank, and giving him time to recoup could prove to be detrimental. Cole was heavily restricted in what he could do, he couldn\'t go all out due to the fact that they were still in the ship. And breaking this ship would mean he had no more leads on his quests, he had to be careful. But at the same time he couldn\'t remain here to be tortured, it was time to test just how powerful this watery prions really was, before it drained him of every last smidge of energy.


Ripples spread across the entire surface of the watery prison. But the person who suffered it the most was Cole as all of the vibrations were contained and sent fleeting through the water and his body. Cole could literally feel his boners fragment into hundreds of pieces, and his organs almost liquefy. His eyes spread wide open in shock and pain as he spat out a mouthful of blood into the water, his body shaking from the aftermath of the shockwave and lack of air.

Cole could not believe it, he had almost taken his own life, and get all it did was make a dent in the skill. Cole noticed that about a gallon of water had splashed to the ground in the process, reducing the total volume of the water that had him trapped. The captain looked at him with an annoyed look on his face, obviously not happy about Cole\'s attack.

Cole narrowed his eyes at the Captain who returned a smirk to him in the process. "I saw what that attack did to you, you\'re more likely to tear yourself to pieces with your own skill before you get out of mine, get comfortable, you\'re going back to the brig! You would do nicely for desert this evening." Cole\'s only response to that was to use the skill again.


Cole was tossed every which way Within the confines of the water prison. His already healed bones shattering again, this time from a much greater force than the last time. Cole felt everything turned black for a second, just a second as he had been invariably dead, before his body pulled itself together again. But this time there was still water and drowning to worry about as Cole swallowed a mouth of the water.

He felt more and more of his energy getting sapped by the second as he reoriented himself, the water ball now sampler, and murky with his blood having mixed in with the water. The captain took a step back, a small puddle already spreading around him as Cole locked eyes with him, Glaring with all of the animosity you would expect from a leader of demons that had been trapped by what he considered a weakling.

But never the less, Cole\'s gaze made all of the promises he wanted to make with his mouth. The captain did not need to be in Cole\'s mind to know what it all meant. Cole was going to kill him, And in the most painful way possible and it would be happening soon. Cole watched as the Captain began to scramble around, heading to a cabinet at the other end of the surveillance room they were in, and pulled out a shot gun.

But this one was unlike anything Cole had ever seen before, the metal of the it\'s barrel seemed to have been wrought from the still living flesh of a great white shark. Fins were on the back of it\'s single barrel, and on the side. The handle was a deep blue with green ascents with motifs of sharks, whales, and mermaids. He pointed the gun in Cole\'s direction and began to charge it with energy. Cole\'s eyes widened as he used the last not his energy to utilize [Shockwave] again, this time overloading the water prisons and releasing much of the skill out into his surroundings.


The Captain was blasted up and through the window that was over the surveillance room, throwing him out into daylight and right onto the deck of the ship. His gun was left behind, Cole picked it up, and the moment he did he could tell almost immediately this gun was the same as [Blue Obsidian and Black Sapphire] and [Black Malakai]. And what was worse it has not Acknowledged a master yet, perhaps the Fisherman had no idea how to do it.

Just as well. Cole threw it in his inventory then ran out of the surveillance room, landing onto the deck with a loud thump that spread water all around him. Cole had not noticed, but it was raining cats and dogs all around them. He pulled Black Malakai and rushed forwards, sliding on the ground as he dodged a lightning strike that went over his head. He leapt into the air as hundreds of tiny shards of Chaos came to life, barraged the deck.

His body was still in the air, twisting as he landed hard on the ground, sliding forwards as he swung his sword like a baseball bat. The captain dragged his hands to the side as a massive wave of sea water rose up to defend him against Cole\'s incoming strike. Cole twisted his hand as negative energy wrapped around his blade and he gritted his bloodied teeth, calling out the name of his skill as he swung the blade.

"Black Cut!"

A grey and black beam flashed out of the sword, smashed into the wave, as it splashed water every which way. But it did not matter as Cole was already drenched in the rain, and the thunder storm that seemed to be assailing the Sapphire Sea at this very moment. The captain took the strike to the chest as almost half his entire body was almost cut in half, and the Vitality stat that he had at the Gold rank could not stand up against the decay of Cole\'s [Negative Energy].

But it was not just the decay of the Negative energy, it was the extreme pain that accompanied it that drove the Captain crazy. He began to scream, the rain with all it\'s fury unable to drown out his manic cries of pain and pleading for death. Cole stood in front of him, his sword drawn out, pointing to the ground as he face the rest of the pirates on the deck, but none of the could make a move.

They were transfixed from horror at the cries coming from their captain. The way his body was almost split in half, and the grey energy that seemed to be clinging to the edge of his garish wounds, or the blackish grey veins that spread across his entire body. If there was a hell, then they were looking at a personification of it in the flesh. The pain was so much that the captain started clawing as his own body, scales peeling off as he scratched himself bloody.

"Kill me! Kill me! Please! Kill me!"

Cole gave him an annoyed look as he turned and walked away, moving through the crowd of shocked and very terrified pirates, his aura released for the first time ever. A bluish, gold with flecks of red and black spots aura hung over him. It looked beautiful to the eyes, but it was filled with such deep malevolence and danger, that just to take a breath as Cole passed them, would have given some of them a heart attack and sent them to the next Life... this was the boogey man in the flesh.

"Kill Me Please! It\'s too much! I\'m sorry please kill me! Kill me! KILL ME! KILL ME! KILL MEEEEEEEE!"


The smoking mouth of Blue Obsidian was all that could be seen as the head of the Captain now had a new hole in it. Cole smiled as he said to the corpse of the captain….."Sure why not."

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