
Chapter 106 - 101 This is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles_i

Tomorrow, I should be able to direct them to undergo some practical combat tests.

At the very least, dealing with ordinary little bugs shouldn’t be a problem. As for snakes and frogs, I’m not quite sure.

When I returned home, Xiao Qing had already prepared the wild boar meat, filling the house with its aroma.

1 didn’t expect her to be so capable at just eight years old.

“Master, the meat is ready. I don’t know if it suits your taste,” she said.

She seemed very happy to see Qin Niu enter the house.

“Just smelling it is making my mouth water. 1 didn’t know your cooking skills were this good,” Qin Niu said as he walked over, not being polite and reaching for a piece to try.

She quickly stopped him, warning “Careful, it’s hot!” and handed him a pair of chopsticks in the midst of speaking.

It also served as a reminder for him to be mindful of hygiene.

Qin Niu, who usually lived alone, had never been that particular.

Taking the chopsticks, he picked up a piece and tasted it.


It was more than a hundred times better than the food he haphazardly prepared himself.

The saltiness was just right, with the meaty fragrance wafting through the air, and perfectly cooked.

“You eat too, from now on, just eat once the food is ready, no need to wait for me,” Qin Niu said, concerned she might be hungry and telling her to go ahead and eat next time.

The meat was clearly ready, yet she hadn’t touched it, waiting for Qin Niu to try it first.

He never treated her like a servant, but rather as a younger sister.

In this world, the hierarchy was strict and there were many rules.

A maid’s existence wholly depended on her master, with no status to speak of.

Seeing her clearly already swallowing her saliva, yet not daring to eat, Qin Niu got annoyed and filled a big bowl for her on the spot.

“We don’t have so many rules in our house, eat quickly.”

Only then did she start eating from her bowl.

Looking at her craving, she must have been really hungry.

Before long, she had finished the entire bowl of meat.

“There’s more in the pot, go ahead and serve yourself more! If that’s not enough, I’ll go get some more meat,” he offered.

After two big bowls, she was finally full.

Looking at her stature, only reaching up to Qin Niu’s chest, I didn’t expect her to have such a big appetite.

People who cultivate generally eat a lot.

And they need to eat meat.

With a full stomach, Qin Niu had other matters to attend to.

He prepared a small patch of land in the backyard and planted all the medicinal herbs she had dug up.

By this time, the moonlight was already hanging high in the sky, with silver moonbeams sprinkling down to earth.

It was the perfect moment to cultivate the Everlasting Spring Technique.

Sitting in the backyard, Qin Niu began his meditation and cultivation.

Overnight, his cultivation had grown considerably.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he did was check to see if the herbs had survived.

“Wow, the Everlasting Spring Technique is truly wonderful, all of these medicinal plants have come back to life,” he exclaimed.

The Black Leaf Sunflower was the most important plant among them, closest to him.

When he planted it yesterday, it was wilted, looking as if it would die at any moment.

Nourished by the overflowing energy from cultivating the Everlasting Spring Technique, over one night’s time, they had all revived, unfurling their leaves and brimming with vitality.

It seems with this ability, any plant that hasn’t completely died could potentially be revived.

Qin Niu’s understanding of the magic of the Everlasting Spring Technique deepened yet again.

This ability had great potential to be further exploited—if used well, it might even be more profitable than selling bugs.

Looking at the Black Leaf Sunflower, the leaves were dark green, and the plant itself wasn’t very large.

Temporarily, there was nothing special to be seen.

But the way it made Qin Niu feel was indeed exceptional, although he couldn’t quite put it into words.

After growing it for some time, once it gets bigger, its unique traits might reveal themselves.

Qin Niu’s gaze shifted to the Dogtail Grass.

Last night, he had observed carefully that after midnight, its leaves emitted a faint luminescence.

However, the duration seemed quite short.

At this moment, checking the plant revealed no signs of the delicate luminescence that had traversed the surface of its leaves.

“Master, did you spend the entire night out here cultivating?” Xiao Qing asked, rising early.

Carrying a bucket, it seemed she was ready to fetch water for washing her face and rinsing her mouth.

In this world, there was neither toothpaste nor toothbrush, and most people used clean cloth dipped in salt to clean their teeth, which also worked quite well.

“Yes! Cultivation must be persistent. You should keep up with your daily cultivation as well,” Qin Niu advised her.

“I do cultivate, it’s just that the results aren’t very good. Oh, you’ve brought all these medicinal herbs back to life!” Xiao Qing, surprised, noticed the herbs planted in the backyard.

She had painstakingly dug each one from the mountain.

Seeing that Qin Niu had revived all of them made her very happy.

“When you dug up these medicinal herbs, did you do it because you recognized them?” Qin Niu asked.

“Not really, I don’t recognize all of them. 1 know the effects of most of them, that’s all. My cultivation of the Medicine King Sutra seems to give me a special ability to sense these herbs. As long as I pass by them, I can tell if they’re worth digging up,” she explained as she came over, pointing to a small ginseng plant.

It was probably a seedling of about half a year or so.

“For example, this ginseng, I can feel a gentle energy within it. And for this unknown medicinal herb, I can sense a cool energy at its root,” she described.

I hadn’t expected Xiao Qing’s cultivation of the Medicine King Sutra to have such a special ability.

Just by the name, one could guess that the Medicine King Sutra, like the Everlasting Spring Technique, belongs to the non-combat category of cultivation techniques.

I should find the time to study the Medicine King Sutra thoroughly, perhaps there will be greater discoveries to be made.

The known drawback of this cultivation technique is that advancing in level is difficult.

Every small realm is a bottleneck.

Other cultivation techniques rarely have this problem.

Qin Niu’s cultivation of the Everlasting Spring Technique is as easy as eating and drinking when it comes to leveling up.

“Xiao Qing, why don’t you feel this Dogtail Grass and see if there is anything special about it?”

As told, she walked over to the Dogtail Grass and felt it closely.

“Inside it contains a cool type of energy, quite substantial. It has much more energy than the herbs I’ve gathered.”

“It seems your cultivation of the Medicine King Sutra isn’t bad at all. By the way, I’m planning to have the craftsmen come over to rebuild the house in the next few days, do you have any requests?” Qin Niu still had more than ninety pieces of silver money, which was more than enough to build a blue-brick and tile house.

Building a common blue-brick and tile house would cost around fifty to sixty pieces of silver money.

If it was the kind of mud house that Qin Niu currently lived in, it could be built for about seven to eight pieces of silver money. A simpler mud house could be built for just two or three pieces of silver money, but then one would have to cut corners everywhere. Wood and similar materials would have to be chopped down from the mountain oneself.

As Qin Niu continued to grow stronger, and now with an added maid, the urgency to upgrade the living quarters suddenly became pressing.

It was mainly because he had money in hand that he dared to have such a thought.

“Whatever Master decides is best is fine by me.”

Xiao Qing either didn’t have any ideas, or she didn’t dare to make any requests.

“Alright then! You’ll have to take on the extra burden during these days of construction.” Qin Niu needed to cultivate bugs, practice cultivation, and plant crops— he was incredibly busy. After hiring workers for the house, he would definitely need someone trustworthy to supervise the construction.

Xiao Qing might be young, but as Qin Niu was her master and an Insect Master, those craftsmen would not dare play any tricks.

After washing up and getting dressed, he did not rush out the door.

Instead, he took a jar containing two Deepspring Herbs to where he kept his turtle.

The small turtle, sensing someone approaching, hurriedly escaped into the water and hid under the rock.

Qin Niu took out the two Deepspring Herbs and planted them in the broken jar.

Whether they could purify the water quality remained to be observed.

“Little guy, come on out!”

Qin Niu, looking through the slightly murky water, could see half of its body.

The little turtle did not move, hiding under the water.

“You mule-headed creature, I’m offering you a great opportunity, and here you are playing hard to get?”

He grabbed it out of the water in one swift motion.

Its head, limbs, and tail were all tucked inside its shell, motionless.

Looking at this scaredy-cat appearance, it was just uninteresting.

Qin Niu wondered whether deciding to tame it was the right choice.

He took out a Low-grade Contract Charm.

After biting his fingertip and activating the Talisman with his blood, he started to fully tame the little turtle.

Now that he had plenty of Silver Money and Talismans, taming a beast pet no longer posed the issue of running out of Talismans. The only consideration was whether the beast pet being tamed had enough potential for cultivation.

And what was the limit on the number of beast pets he could tame.

So far, he had only tamed an Ant Queen and a Queen Bee, far from reaching his limit.

This Ink Turtle was also fated to be with him.

It was encountered in the floodwaters by Qin Niu and captured and brought back.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t even give a second glance at such a common little turtle.

Let alone waste a precious beast pet slot on it.

As a faint golden light entered the little turtle’s body, it began to struggle.

No creature wishes to be enslaved by humans.

This is why many people, when encountering beasts they cannot tame, will go to great lengths to gain their favor and build a relationship. The reason is to weaken their resistance when the time comes to sign a contract with them.

Fortunately, the little turtle was still very young, and its will to resist wasn’t that strong.

After some effort, Qin Niu finally successfully tamed it.

After being tamed, it became much more docile.

It lay obediently in Qin Niu’s palm, sticking out its little head pitifully looking at its fierce young master.

It was so young, and it was already enslaved.

The act was devoid of martial virtue.

Even after being tamed, it still acted like a scaredy-cat turtle, a little too timid.

“Let’s take a look at your attributes first.”

Qin Niu wanted to see if it had any special powers.

Male Ink Turtle

Grade: Grade One Testudines, experience needed to level up 1.3/100

Lifespan: 57 years.

Energy: 11

Skills: Swimming Level Two 31.4/100, Hibernation Level One 0/10

Talent: Cowardly

After checking the little turtle’s attributes, Qin Niu had indeed broadened his horizons.

No wonder this little turtle was so timid.

The two insects he had tamed were much stronger than it.

The Ant Queen possessed medium intelligence and was both brave and strategic. The Queen Bee, on the other hand, had an iron will, merciless and ruthless.

As soon as it emerged from the royal platform, the first thing it did was to eliminate the other potential queen bees.

Keep in mind, those were its sisters.

Then there was this little turtle—naturally cut out to be a pushover, completely at the mercy of others, without the slightest temper.

All it knew was to tuck its head into its shell.

Shaking his head, Qin Niu put it back in the jar.

Once free, the little turtle quickly dove to the bottom of the water, hiding and refusing to come out again.

Too cowardly.

Qin Niu took some Banyan Tree Blood over. Since he had never used Banyan Tree Blood to cultivate turtles or other beast pets before, he could only rely on his experience with cultivating termites to calculate the feeding amount based on the turtle’s weight.

He deliberately prepared some minced meat, mixed with the Banyan Tree Blood, and then called it out to eat..

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