
Chapter 108.1: The General's Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (16)

Chapter 108.1: The General\'s Daughter Who Eloped with the Lowly Stage Actor (16)

As it turned out, a group of individuals with sinister intentions had targeted Guo LanXiang yesterday after school.

Having grown up in FengTian, with her parents still residing there, she had ventured to Beiping alone for her education. During this time, she was staying with her godparents, who had close ties to her father.

Recent conflicts involving her godparents had seemingly led to antagonism from a powerful figure, and this group of people had mistakenly identified her as a member of the Su family. Despite her earnest explanations, their conviction remained unshaken, labelling her as part of the Su family.

Yesterday, Guo LanXiang found herself cornered by strange men. After desperately seizing an opportunity to break free, she sprinted as fast as she could in a random direction. In a whirlwind of panic, she collided with Xue XingZe, who happened to be saying his goodbyes after visiting a friend.

Unfortunately, she ended up twisting her ankle in the process, and she fell onto the floor with her eyes red from anxiety. The pursuers behind her were closing in rapidly, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get back on her feet.

This was when a somewhat familiar voice called out to her.

“Need a hand?”

Amid Guo LanXiang’s desperation, Xue XingZe crouched down and gently held her face in his hands as he examined her for a brief moment. And with a strong yet gentle grip, he pulled her up and positioned her against the wall, steadying her.

Xue XingZe’s expression was unreadable, his tone cool as he assessed the situation. Strangely, though his words were few, they acted like a soothing balm on Guo LanXiang’s anxiety. As he gazed at the teary-eyed girl before him, memories of their chance encounter in the midst of a snowy day resurfaced, a testament to the unpredictable ways life weaved their paths together.

In an uncanny twist of fate, both of them met each other at their most dishevelled moments, each seeing the other’s vulnerable side.

After that, her narration shifted to the intense clash between Xue XingZe and the group of assailants. His movements were a blur of swiftness, his strikes honed and powerful, and he managed to hold his own even against the odds of facing multiple opponents. The battle’s equilibrium hung precariously until the adversaries brandished glistening knives, marking the end of the confrontation. Unfortunately, while Xue XingZe managed to hold his own against the prepared attackers, he didn’t escape unscathed, bearing the marks of a few wounds that bore traces of blood.

Upon hearing this, Guo MingYue’s immediate impulse was to dash to the neighbouring room and meticulously inspect Xue XingZe for any injuries, a deep furrow of concern creasing her brow.

Sensing Guo MingYue’s anxiety, Guo LanXiang’s expression became apologetic as she began to express her regrets. In turn, Guo MingYue took her hands as she shook her head in reassurance, encouraging the young girl to continue sharing the story.

Wiping away her tears, Guo LanXiang hesitated before recounting the events that followed in a broken, emotional voice.

Just as the knife was dangerously close to finding its mark on Xue XingZe, the abrupt sound of a gunshot pierced the air, freezing everyone in their tracks. It was quickly followed by two more shots, breaking the tense silence. Seizing the assailant’s momentary distraction, Xue XingZe expertly kicked him aside and scooped up Guo LanXiang before swiftly making his escape.

In the vicinity, a figure in a camel-coloured coat, donning a Humboldt hat and holding a smoking gun, came into view. With a soft expression, Xue XingZe nodded in appreciation.

The man was, of course, none other than Qian YunSheng.

Upon encountering his brother-in-law’s seemingly heroic but almost doomed situation, how could he not extend a helping hand in such a situation?

The gunshots had swiftly attracted the attention of nearby patrolling officers. And so, the trio, together with the group of assailants, was soon under the control of the city’s police department, their hands tightly secured to prevent any resistance.

They were initially separated and detained for the night, awaiting their turn for rounds of questioning and recording in the morning. By the time midday approached, the trio, their stomachs growling with hunger, was finally released from custody.

Considering Guo LanXiang’s tender age, enduring the chilly and hunger-filled night in the cell, isolated and alone, had left her physically and emotionally exhausted. When she finally reunited with Xue XingZe in the morning, she clung to him tightly, seeking comfort and safety.

This sequence of events led to the very scene that Gu MingYue had recently witnessed: Xue XingZe embracing the shaken young girl in his arms.

With a gentle touch, Gu MingYue comfortingly ran her fingers through Guo LanXiang’s hair, softly consoling her.

According to the original story, Guo LanXiang should have returned to Fengtian with Qian YunSheng, where they would reside together. If not for her unforeseen intervention altering the storyline, the young girl wouldn’t have had to endure such distressing ordeals.

Deep within, Gu MingYue earnestly expressed her remorse.

After lunch, Xue XingZe left with Guo LanXiang, stating that he wanted to ensure her safe return home.

Gu MingYue stood by the door, watching them until they vanished at the end of the alley. Only then did she turn and make her way back inside the house.


Qian YunSheng’s footsteps followed behind her wherever she went while repeatedly calling out her name, however, Gu MingYue continued to ignore him.

Lately, Gu MingYue felt that her temperament had been growing impatient recently, becoming easily upset over minor inconveniences.

This time was no exception, the recent scolding from Qian YunSheng had ignited a fire of indignation within her.

“My dearest MingYue, what’s the matter?” Realizing that his attempts at calling her name were futile, Qian YunSheng changed tactics. He gently enveloped her from behind, his arms forming a protective embrace. His tone shifted to a tender one, aiming to soothe her.

Having not returned home all night, he knew he had worried her. In fact, the man who had helped his brother-in-law the night before, could not comprehend what he had done wrong. Yet, observing the reaction of the woman he loved, he felt as though he had committed an enormous sin. This led him to adopt an even softer, more affectionate tone, his words carrying a touch of vulnerability as he sought to mend the situation.

Gu MingYue blinked her eyes twice, and then, like precious beads, teardrops welled up and spilled from her gem-like eyes. Biting her lip, she remained silent, her emotions a swirling mixture of anxiety and pain, evoking both concern and sympathy from Qian YunSheng.

“Have you been bullied?” Qian YunSheng contemplated the possibility, although he knew it was highly unlikely. Nevertheless, the words escaped him involuntarily.

“It’s all your fault! Not coming home all night and causing me to have a bad night’s sleep from worrying. And when you finally came back, your first words aren’t an apology, but instead, you blame me for not walking properly! This is utterly absurd! YunSheng, you’re a big bully, always targeting me!”

Gu MingYue’s temper flared up swiftly, and in her frustration, she eloquently voiced her unreasonable complaints. Yet, her reddened nose, eyes glistening like springs, and her soft, tender tone of voice didn’t exude dominance; instead, it sounded somewhat funny.

Qian YunSheng stifled a chuckle, lifting Gu MingYue into a sideways embrace and guiding her back into the room, seating her comfortably on a chair. While doing so, his eyes caught sight of the letter resting on the pillow.

This is the last chapter for this arc Q_Q

PS: Do check out my other titles here! ❤️❤️

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