
Chapter 500: The Giant Yumushi and the Three Women 3

Chapter 500: The Giant Yumushi and the Three Women 3

  1. The Giant Yumushi and the Three Women 3

Those small creatures that annoyingly moved around him, neither dying nor running away, even after he attacked them.

Especially the smallest, black one, is infuriating.

She’s taking advantage of his silence, punching and kicking him as she pleases.

And despite being the smallest, her attacks hurt—a little.

…Thinking about it just makes him even more irritated.


Just then.

The Grand Armored Yumushi realized that his mana had mostly recovered.


At the same time, a primitive killing intent, which he had been suppressing, overflowed from his body.

Now was the time to slaughter them all.

He’ll crush them all.


Driven by his murderous intent, he reared his head menacingly and roared!

And then, at the same time…!


The smallest, black one—came running towards him!


A head-on fight!?

Bring it on!!

The Grand Armored Yumushi floated Kodorokizo ore fragments around him, and fired 【Magic Ore Bullets】, at more than double the speed than before, all at once, towards the black one!


“Rah, rah… Raaaah!!”

But the black one, zig-zagging and changing her course irregularly, made it impossible for him to aim!

Dodging all the attacks, the black one quickly reached the Grand Armored Yumushi, and then!


…Jumped high!

And then…!

…Landed silently on the Grand Armored Yumushi’s head, and—

Flattened herself—

Face down… stuck there.


The Grand Armored Yumushi was first confused that there was no impact, since he thought she was going to punch him.

And then he was confused, because he didn’t understand what she was trying to do.

Did she think he wouldn’t attack her if she got close?


And then, mocking her, he started preparing to fire the next 【Magic Ore Bullets】.

…And it was at that moment.


A very small sensation, like an itch, or maybe pain…

Ran through his entire body.


The Grand Armored Yumushi, flustered by that unknown sensation, wriggled.

And with just that small movement—

His protective, ore armor… started flaking off, falling apart!


This incomprehensible situation!

The Grand Armored Yumushi, out of confusion and shame, screamed!

What’s happening to his body?

What did Emi do?

The answer is… 【Peel】.

Emi used 【Peel】, the special ability she learned when she was an apprentice maid at Baron Martz’s mansion.

This special ability, normally used for housework, to remove dirt…

What would happen if Emi, boasting an enormous amount of mana, uses it with all her might?

The answer is what you saw earlier.

…She can remove the giant Yumushi’s armor!

That being said, this isn’t an easy task.

Unlike the floor or walls of a house, the Grand Armored Yumushi is alive.

And he also has an enormous amount of mana.

Instinctively, he desperately manipulates his mana to resist Emi’s 【Peel】!

“Guh… Uuuu…”

It’s also hard work for Emi to forcefully activate 【Peel】 by pouring her mana into him.

Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and she continued to activate 【Peel】, gritting her teeth, groaning.


Moreover, the Grand Armored Yumushi quickly realized that the reason his armor is flaking off is Emi.

So he desperately resists physically as well!

He swings his head around, trying to shake Emi off!


But Emi won’t come off!

Normally, she’d be clinging to him using 【Silverfish】, but this time, it’s different.

In order to use 【Peel】, which has the opposite effect of 【Silverfish】, at full power, this time, Emi was clinging onto the giant Yumushi with pure physical strength.

In other words, she’s simply clinging to him with all her might!

But that ‘all her might’ is extraordinary.

Just being swung around wouldn’t blow her away!

Flake, flake!

Instead, the detached Kodorokizo ore fragments fly into the air!


Next, the Grand Armored Yumushi started firing 【Magic Ore Bullets】 at himself, trying to hit Emi.

He still has armor, so this doesn’t hurt him at all.

But it should be different for that black one.

Even if he can’t kill her, she should be taking damage now that she’s concentrating on using that unknown technique!


The 【Magic Ore Bullets】, fired with that in mind, hit Emi’s body one after another!

“Ugh, aaaah, aaaaah…”

But Emi still doesn’t let go!

She continues to pour her mana into 【Peel】, groaning, despite taking dozens of 【Magic Ore Bullets】 to the back, each one strong enough to blow an ordinary person to pieces!

Flake, flake, flake!

More Kodorokizo ore flaked off from the Grand Armored Yumushi’s body!


The Grand Armored Yumushi, finally terrified of this black one, started rampaging!

He rolled around on the ground, trying to crush the black one!

“Aaaah, aaaah… RAAAAAHーーー!!”

But she wouldn’t be crushed!

Even under the weight of the giant Grand Armored Yumushi!

She won’t be crushed!

She’s too tough!!

And the more he rampages!

Flake, flake, flake, flake!

The more his armor falls off!

Even when he tries to reattach the detached ore fragments, it doesn’t work.

Because the Grand Armored Yumushi’s body is currently covered in Emi’s mana, constantly activating 【Peel】.

If Emi lets go of his body, his armor would instantly regenerate.

But Emi won’t come off!

And finally—


The Grand Armored Yumushi… is completely naked.

His body, glowing intensely.

Exposed under the starry sky!





A mixture of emotions made him let out his loudest scream of the day!


And it was at that moment—

That he finally—

Remembered the other small creatures, whom he had completely forgotten while the black one was removing his armor.

Because in his magical vision—

He saw Shimegamamo, her entire body glowing golden from the mana overflowing from her!

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