
Chapter 31 - Escape

Wirata\'s heart was pounding when the car finally drove off onto the road. Now her problem was these two bodyguards!

"Mr. James."

"Yes. Miss. Er, just call me James, Miss."

The bodyguard spoke up. James was waiting to hear what Miss pretty Wirata was going to say.

Usually, Stefan\'s woman did not need to befriend the bodyguards. The bodyguards did not talk to them unless necessary. Because they only saw each other just a few hours, taking a woman from her place to the suite room and then taking her back to her place. It had happened just like that, year after year. Stefan spent time with a woman only a few hours at the max, short, fast and meaningless.

But this time James and Ben both had a very strong hunch that this woman, Miss pretty Wirata, would be different from the rest of them.

"Take me to my mother\'s house. Do you know the address? I mean my step-father\'s house?"

"Yes, Miss. John White\'s house. We know where he lives." James replied politely.

"Good. Please take me there. And while I\'m packing my stuff, could you two go to my apartment to collect my things? I\'ll write down a list for you.

Wirata asked. Her brain was in thinking and planning mode to get rid of these two tall and well-built bodyguards. She had to send them away somewhere so that she could run. She had to plan wisely and quickly.

"The boss said to take you back. We can\'t leave you, Miss."

James responded with quiet tone and it was like he could read her thoughts, so Wirata smiled a little in a friendly gesture, at least Ben, the driver could see her from the back mirror above his head. She saw his eyes softened. They seemed better than their boss. But Wirata was not sitting here to admire the evil mafia\'s men. She kept herself look friendly and easy-going but her mind was busy thinking around the minutes!

James turned to look at Ben who glanced back. Their eyes understood each other that she was thinking of something against his boss\'s order and they definitely could not let it happen. If they let her escape, the boss would get mad and very angry which was not good and was not safe for them.

One of the rules for the bodyguards was... Don\'t make the boss get mad. it was a very BAD idea!

"I understand. Hm, so James can stay with me at home, Ben can drive to the apartment."

Wirata offered the idea.

"May we know why do we have to do this, Miss? You can pack up and we can wait. Then we drive you to your apartment and do the same. It is simple. Miss."

This time it was Ben who spoke up. He glanced at her from the mirror.

These guys were not stupid. Wirata realized, she had to plan better and more complicated ideas. Usually, big guys didn\'t like complication, they all prefer simple stuff.

Okay, she could do that! Tried to get them dizzy and head-spinning so they would get confused. When men got confused, it was easy to kick their ass!

"Look. I\'ll be honest with you. I don\'t want my mother to know about this. She will be worried and very unhappy. You have a mother, right? You don\'t want to make your mother cry, right? We all adults here, let\'s be frank. I am going to live with a mafia, your boss, for paying the debt. It\'s a very bad thing. A mother never wishes it to happen to her daughter, right? So if she sees you two with me like I am your prisoner. She would know what\'s going on. So, let\'s make it quick by James with me and Ben goes to my apartment."

Wirata gave them a long speech and ended it with what she wanted to happen. It was psychology when people listening to something very long, they could just remember the last bits!

Seeing them listening intendedly. She could see that they were thinking along with her words.

"Look! Last night I had a long talk with your boss. We understood each other and we have an agreement as you heard him said earlier, I and Stefan, we will make a deal so let\'s make it clear that I am not a child here I have lived in the same world as you. Adult talks, okay? Ben, you go to the apartment, collect my stuff, and then come back to pick me and James up at the house. As simple as that. And it will be quick as your boss wants."

Wirata made another long speech. She made it sound like \'a friend talk to a friend\' and saw they were listening quietly. They looked at each other now and then as if they were consulting each other.

James and Ben turned to look at each other and then nodded in agreement. James would be watching her, no problem. She was only a small woman compared to the tall bodyguard like James.

"Alright, Miss. We will do that." James agreed in the end.

When reaching home at nine o\'clock, her mother came to the porch. She looked surprised to see the black car with two bodyguards walking Wirata toward the house.

"Good morning mother. Did you sleep well last night?"

Wirata greeted her mother, tried to look cheerful as usual. She stepped to the porch and hugged her.

"Good morning, honey. Why are you coming with these two gentlemen?"

Wilaiwan asked in a surprised quiet tone. She had noticed her daughter was wearing the same dress as last night and the two bodyguards she recognized as her daughter\'s boss\'s men. She remembered that Wirata left for a dinner with Bernardo and later on she rang to tell her she would stay at the apartment, but now she was with Stefan\'s bodyguards. Something was a little strange here.

"Please don\'t say anything, mom. I\'ll tell you later."

Wirata whispered to her mother, then she turned to James, who came to stop behind her. While Ben drove out to her apartment with the list she handed to him.

"Please wait for me here. I won\'t be too long."

Wirata said to him and gave him a friendly smile. James bowed a little. Wirata took her mother\'s arm and walked inside the house went up to her bedroom.

"What happened, honey?" Mother asked immediately after Wirata closed the door. Wirata turned to her mother. She saw worries written all over her mother\'s face. So Wirata did not want to tell her the truth, for now. It would break her heart. Wirata was raised to be strong. This unfortunate incident wouldn\'t do her mother any good. So she would keep it to herself. But mother was a smart woman so Wirata had to tell her something.

"I don\'t have much time, mom. I\'ll tell you later. But for now. Please trust me when I say don\'t worry. Everything is okay." Wirata said and hugged her mother. Mother sighed.

"I know something\'s going on here darling. Is it about John? You must tell me the truth."

"It\'s nothing much at the moment, mom. I promise that I will tell you later. But now I need to pack and in a hurry. Please don\'t worry. I will be out of town for, hm, for some errand but I\'ll ring you when I get there."

Wirata said. She looked at the time. walked to the wardrobe brought her backpack out. Then she started putting a few clothes in. The passport and her purse contained money and credit cards were the most important, she put them in her crossed-body bag. Wirata did not have much stuff here. Most of it was at the apartment. But she did not want much anyway. She would travel with minimal.

Mother was watching. Wirata turned to look and smile.

"Mom, You have raised me to be strong, to be able to cope with responsibilities and to be able to face anything that comes my way. So if you know your daughter well, you will not worry. Please promise me you won\'t."

"Don\'t be silly, honey. Asking a mother not to worry about her daughter? I can\'t promise you such a thing. But I\'ll trust you if you say you will tell me the truth when you are ready."

Her mother said, watching her with worried eyes. Wirata came to her and embraced her.

"I promise."

"Good. So where are you going?"

"Hm, England. I have some errand to deal with but I will call you when I reach there."

"What about your job?"

"Um, It\'s about my job. About Stefan as you see the bodyguard waiting downstairs."

She said, tried not to lie too much. It was really about Stefan Mackenzie!

"Alright. I won\'t press you anymore, sweetheart, give me a call when you are in England. And for how long?"

"Hm, not sure, it depends, mom."

Wirata said and smiled a little in a calm gesture. Her mother nodded. Wirata kissed her on her cheek and hugged her tightly for a minute then released.

When her mother walked out of the bedroom to downstairs. Wirata hurried to pack a few necessities. Her head was thinking of how to escape from the two big bodyguards. At first, she was going to sneak out of the back gate that was why she tried to get rid of Ben. But when rethinking, her mother would be suspicious and she had to tell her the truth which was against her plan. So she changed her mind. She would have to go with them in the car for now and find another way to escape.

Wilaiwan knew that her daughter was hiding something. Wirata loved her so much. Her daughter was a good girl, did not want the mother to worry so Wilaiwan would pretend not to. But her mind was still thinking. The way Wirata appeared with the tall bodyguards with a little messy look. And now she was packing. Was it about John, her husband? Wilaiwan saw the tall bodyguard sit on the couch on the porch, waiting for Wirata.

"Coffee, sir. Wirata will come down in a few minutes. "

Wilaiwan put a cup of coffee in front of James.

"Thank you. Ma\'am. But it isn\'t necessary." The bodyguard said politely. Wilaiwan gave him a smile but did not say anything more. She walked back inside the house.

James looked at the coffee. According to the experience of being a bodyguard, he did not trust all coffee being served by people he didn\'t know well. Except for the coffee that was brewed by himself and the cup that he saw every step of the brew with his own eyes.

He did not like the idea of dying by poisoning. It was not the way a tough bodyguard should die. Poisoned by an old lady and got killed by a cup of coffee. That did not sound good for his reputation. So he did not touch it. Even though this lady was the owner of the Thai restaurant he had ordered delivery often, but it was a different case. Now he was at work.

Wirata wore a pair of jeans with a long-sleeved shirt, with her black leather and zipped up, wearing a pair of white sneakers. She lifted up her backpack and ran downstairs. She found her mother in the kitchen. Wirata hugged and kiss her.

"I\'ll give you a call. l love you so much, mom."

Wirata said. Mother kissed her on the cheek.

"Be safe. God blessed you, my love."

Mother said. Wirata blinked not to let tears come out. She forced a smile on her face.

"Talk to you soon. Bye, mom."

Wirata said goodbye then walked out of the kitchen.

Ben drove back and stopped in front of the house at the same time as Wirata opened the door. Jame and Wirata walked to the car and James opened the car door for her to sit at the back seat. The car drove off smoothly.

Wirata turned back to look at the house. Seeing her mother standing at the porch. She watched until the picture disappeared when the car turned into the main road.

"Thank you very much, Ben. Have you brought all the pots from the balcony?"

Wirata asked Ben, making conversation in the quiet atmosphere. She planned to be friendly and to earn their trust. Wirata had pots of flowers and herbs on her balcony at the back of her apartment.

"Yes. Miss. You have quite a collection there."

Ben replied. She could see through his voice, he\'s quite a friendly person.

"I like flowers and herbs. Herbs are very handy for cooking. I cook a lot. Do you like Thai food?"

Wirata asked, leaning on the comfy seat in a relaxing posture, looking around as if she was a tourist doing sight-seeing in town.

"We love Thai food."

James said. Wirata smiled.

"Me too. I cook Thai food all the time. The herbs pots, you must water them twice a day, morning and evening."

Wirata talked about her pots because now she was going to run. Someone had to water them and these two bodyguards were her hope. She wouldn\'t be able to carry all pots with her and she didn\'t want to leave them to die at the apartment.

"There is a garden on the penthouse terrace. You can keep your pots there, Miss."

James continued the conversation. He turned to look at the cool posture of Miss pretty Wirata, feeling relieved because an hour ago deep in his mind, he was afraid that she would be trouble and might give them a headache. The way she looked at the boss this morning was not so good although she said they had talked and had a good understanding but Jame still had doubts.

But however, it had been a nice and easy journey back until now, everything seemed to be no problem at all. She and his boss probably had a really good talk last night and understood each other very well as she proclaimed.

Wirata was thinking of Summer, her dog. A small Yorkshire Terrier, he was eighteen months old. She had been with him since he was a one-month-old puppy. Now he was recovering from the flu and still at Evelyn\'s vet clinic. Wirata thought she would give Evelyn a call later to tell her to look after Summer for her for a little while until she could sort her problem out.

"Ben, could you please stop at a convenience store. I want a few essentials."

Wirata asked Ben when they were cruising on the shopping street, lots of shops and supermarkets along the way.

"Which store, Miss? Do you have your regular one?"

Ben asked and slowed the car down a little. He glanced at James sending silent communication to watch and be careful. If she had a regular store, the one that she went shopping often and knew it well she might plan to run.

"Oh, no. Any shop will do."

Responded easily without ritual. James turned to make eye contact with Ben then sighed and began to relax again.

Ben stopped at a convenience store that opened twenty-four hours. James opened the back door to let her out. Then they waited to see what would be her next move. If she told them to wait here and she would go in alone. That was a sign that she was likely to escape.

"James, could you please go with me. I\'ll buy some heavy items."

James sent her a polite smile and looked at Ben then nodded.

"Sure, Miss."

Then they walked into the store together. When they walked back Ben saw Jame pushed a trolley full of goods. James went to the back and put all of the stuff in the trunk. And now it was full!

Ben drove off. Ten minutes later.

"Could you please stop by the laundry shop at the corner of this road. I regularly take my clothes there and I have a dress to collect, should have come a few days ago."

She explained. James and Ben nodded in understanding gestures. Now they were familiar with her a little.

Ben turned the car into the laundry shop and stop at the parking lot. James opened the car door for her to get out as usual. Wirata walked toward the shop door and suddenly she stopped and turned to look at the bodyguards. Ben was still behind the wheel and James was standing by the car.

"Aren\'t you coming with me, James?" Wirata asked in a surprised tone.

"No, Miss. We\'ll wait for you here." James replied.

Wirata nodded and smiled then turned back continue walking into the laundry.

"You go to the back door. I\'ll be here." Ben said to James. They wanted to test her this time. If she wanted to escape, there were 2 doors, the front, and the back door.

James quickly walked around the laundry shop.

Ten minutes later the front door flung open and the slender figure of Wirata step out with a plastic pack in her arm. She opened the car door and got in.

"Sorry, Ben for making you wait. Where is James?" Wirata asked when she did not see James.

"He\'s gone to the restroom, Miss."

Ben answered with a polite and calm voice, sending James a text that she was back. A minute later James walked back to the car and Ben drove off.

"Would you like to stop anywhere else, Miss?" Ben asked to make sure that she had got all she wanted.

"Fancy some Thai food tonight? Celebrating me move into the new place."

Wirata asked with a friendly smile on her face. Thai food always got their attention. They didn\'t think they had a business to celebrate with the boss\'s woman. However, James and Ben gave her a polite smile.

"You can celebrate with our boss. He likes Thai food as well."

James said, didn\'t want to make the pretty lady feel uncomfortable as he started to like her friendly and easy-going personality.

"There is an Asian food shop on the way. If you don\'t mind stopping there for me. It will be the last stop, I promise. I\'ll cook for all of you."

Wirata said with a cheerful voice and made eye contact with Ben in the mirror, very sincere and very friendly gesture.

"But if you don\'t want to eat, you don\'t have to stop, just go straight to the Grand MC."

She continued and leaned on the seat with an easy and comfy posture. She looked like she didn\'t mind if he would stop or not. Ben and James looked at each other.

"Pad Thai with king prawns. Do you know this dish? It\'s my favorite. I want to cook for you and your boss one day. Do you know that there is a secret in making this dish? And I know the secret, my mother if you don\'t know she\'s one of the best. She taught me to make it very very special."

Wirata kept talking. Putting imagination in their head to make them mouth-watering.

Ben decided to turn right into the Asian supermarket, couldn\'t help to picture Pad Thai with big king prawns in front of him tonight. And James seemed to agree because his friend didn\'t say anything to stop him.

Wirata\'s heart was dancing with excitement. The car stopped at the parking lot. She opened the door before Jame could do it. She smiled at them.

"Let\'s go shopping, James. Thanks, Ben for stopping. We\'ll try to be quick."

Wirata told Ben and walked toward the supermarket entrance followed by James.

"So you really know Thai food, huh?"

She asked James with a cheerful tone. Causing James to smile a little.

He liked her, James decided. This pretty lady was very interesting. A lot of qualities and contrast personalities in one. She was very easy on the eyes, she could cook, she looked sweet but she could kick ass! A sweet gentle woman but a strong fighter, very contrast but somehow it could go together in her.

No surprise that she caught Stefan\'s interest. His boss definitely paid a lot of attention to her. James was thinking if there was one woman to tame a powerful skittish stubborn man like Stefan Mackenzie, it would be someone like this specific Miss pretty Wirata.

"Just some, Miss. I like trying new things."

"That\'s a good attitude. You don\'t try you don\'t know, right?"

Wirata talked to James like they were friends. and he looked relaxed enough to smile more easily with her.

"It\'s true. "

James replied. He pushed a trolley for her and Wirata picked the goods she wanted from the shelves. Not long when the cart was full.

"Anything else, Miss. " James asked because he didn\'t think she could put any more boxes in the trolley the way it\'s overloaded and he had to push it carefully. They were at the checkout now, and James was unloading the goods on the conveyor.

"Oh, gosh! I forgot to buy coconut milk. Could you please go get one for me, James? Pick a Thai brand. Do you know any? Or would you prefer me to go get it?"

Wirata made a restless tone. James looked at the products piling up on the sliding rail. The woman at the till was scanning the barcodes quickly and there were long queues after them. If he went, it would take a long time to find it because he didn\'t know any brand of coconut milk!

"You better go, Miss. I\'ll look after the goods and pay. "

James decided as he could use the credit card the boss gave them to pay for things.

James smiled sheepishly to people who were in the queue after them. They didn\'t look happy to see Wirata dashed out to buy more stuff while James was in the queue, it was quite ill-mannered. They probably thought if you didn\'t finish shopping you shouldn\'t be in the queue like this.

James looked at the till staff doing her job until the items were all scanned. He paid with a credit card then pushed the trolley to wait for Miss Wirata at the door.

James looked at the watch, he saw that it was long enough. He tried to be positive, this supermarket was quite big so it would take her a bit to find the section.

But minutes went by, James thought it didn\'t look good now so he called Ben to pick up the goods. And he went back to find Miss Wirata in the supermarket. James was walking around every alley but hadn\'t seen her. His heart started pounding fast as his guts telling him that it was looking very very BAD now!


James swore and ran around again but got the same result. No Miss pretty Wirata anywhere! Ben came to help to search. They ran around again, up and down the three floors of the supermarket. In the end, they walked exhaustingly back to the car, looked at each other.

"Dead, Ben. You and me. We are dead! "

James said to his friend with the chill on his spine thinking of his boss\'s reaction when receiving the news.

Both drove around to see if she was on the road anywhere but instinctively knew that they had just wasted time. Later on, they decided to drive back to the penthouse with the car full of Miss pretty Wirata\'s stuff but without the owner!

"You and I prepare to die, Jame. And the corpses will definitely not look like you and me. "

Ben said.

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