
Chapter 158 - My Baby (3)

After cuddling and clinging together for a while. Wirata held his happy face with her two hands and looked into his beautiful deep blue eyes. Then she gradually recalled the reaction of the man since the morning when he kept ringing her all day, telling her not to lift heavy things. And he asked for her urine. 

"And what made you think I am pregnant?"

Wirata asked out of her curiosity when she had a chance.

 Why on earth did Stefan suspect that she was pregnant? Should it be her, the first person to catch what happened with her own body?

Stefan stopped smiling immediately. He stared back into her eyes and did not blink. Trying to keep his face still and serious. He had learned that if he dodged or skipping eye contact or blinking rapidly, she would know that he lied to her.

"I dreamed."

He said with a straight face. Wirata raised her eyebrow up.

"Yeah? Really?"

He nodded again as a confirmation.

"Yes, really."

He confirmed once again.

"About what?"

"I dreamed about a tiger cub. A tiger cub was jumping into your stomach. My mother used to dream a leopard leaped in her stomach and she got pregnant. So I thought it could be the same."

Stefan replied with a serious expression on his face to show her that he was not joking.

"Really? ... Only because of the dream about the tiger cub and you assumed that I am pregnant? Wow!"

Wirata looked at the handsome face to find the truth ...

Yep! He was lying to her. Definitely, lying!

His eyes widened with no blinking indicated he was trying to hide something from her.

Wirata nodded.

 "Okay, Stefan Mackenzie. I will give you a chance to tell me the truth. Don\'t waste your time lying. We both know that you are lying to me right now."

The smooth voice said, cut to the point and stared at his face.

Stefan continued to hold his eyes up for another minute. When he saw her shaking her head in disapproving gesture.

"Stop pretending and confess now. Tell me the truth."

Wirata said it again.

Stefan pretended to sigh out loud.

"That is the truth. Come on, darling. Let\'s take a shower. I want to celebrate our great news. I will take you to the restaurant."

He tried to avoid to tell her. But she did not move and still continued looking at him.

 "Come on. Let\'s take a shower. And tomorrow I will take you to the doctor to get all the advice. "

He made a conclusion and was going to walk off to the room.

But Wirata did not let him get away easily. She grabbed his arms.

"Stefan, tell me the truth. What are you hiding from me? Don\'t let me find out by myself. If I do, then there will be consequences. I am warning you. "

Her voice was serious, standing with her arms crossed.

"What consequences? Are you going to beat me up? Alright! Here you are! Just do it now!"

Stefan said with a sullen face. The big man stomped his feet and walked to pick up a golf club. He handed it to her.

Wirata accepted it with a confused expression on her face. This man was full of tricks and got her dizzy, worse than the baby in her belly right now.

"Go on then! Hit me ... Here, my head. Go on. Swing as hard as you can. Do it! 

He said with a turbid voice, bent his head down in front of her. Wirata frowned, looked at the golf club and looked at the man.

"I don\'t want to hit you, Stefan. I only want you to tell me the truth."

Wirata said in a smooth voice. The man kept making a sulky face as a wayward teenager.

"I\'m never good enough in your eyes. Whatever I say is a lie. I just want you to get pregnant. I want to be a father. And that is so big deal to you!"

The harsh voice continued to grieve. Wirata crossed arms and listening quietly. Watching the show to see what he was trying to perform.

"Hit me, here, on my head right here ... Go ahead. So that you will be happy ... the bad guy like me must be beaten by the wife, to get some bad blood out, right? Go on."

He said and moved his head closer.

Wirata stared at the big man who acted like a child who did wrong but did not want to admit it. Trying to find a way to pass on and keep going.

"Alright then. Prepare yourself. I am not very good at hitting golf balls but your head is big enough, can\'t be missed."

Wirata said to the big man. She lifted the golf club right up and pretended to be ready to swing.

Stefan jerked away with his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He hurried to grab her arms.

"Hey! ... seriously?! ...Are you going to really hit me?"

Stefan shouted and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled the golf club off her hand and threw it to the far corner.

 "How could you do that? Hitting your hubby\'s head. That\'s cruel." He moaned and put his face on her shoulder, rocking her back and forth.

"I think you have been given many Oscars already. So now I will give you a Golf Club award in case you will be impressed the most and remember it for a long time."

The smooth voice said with her straight face. Stefan made a sulky face, nuzzled on her neck.

"What a mean heartless woman you are." He made a complaint.

"Stop playing, tell me the truth now. I will give you three minutes to get it over with."

Stefan listened to his woman and sighed. She would not be fooled by him. Still trying to find out the truth.

"Alright. The truth is, I told the doctor to inject you with the healthy stuff instead of the birth control injection." He gave up and confessed finally. She was quiet.

"Don\'t be angry with me, please." He asked softly and cuddled her more tightly.

"Why did you do that?"

She asked. Stefan could not predict how she felt right now. He kissed on her shoulder, her neck, her cheek and snuggled to her like a guilty boy got caught red-handed. 

 "I want to have children with you. I want to hold on to you forever. Wine, I really love you. I don\'t want to lose you. I want to bind you in every way I can."

His voice was earnest. The handsome face lifted up, looking into her eyes, no more joking at this moment. Wirata looked at him and she sighed.

"I hate a liar, same as you. Can you promise me that you won\'t do it again? You should know that you can talk to me openly about anything. "

She spoke with her soft voice.

"Well, you\'re a headstrong woman. If I didn\'t do this, would you want to carry my baby this soon? You would want me to wait for a year. Would you?"

He asked, giving her a soft puppy\'s eye. Wirata sighed again. What could she do with the crafty man like Stefan Mackenzie?

She looked at the tall man who made an adorable face as he knew she would be softened by it a little.

He was not the same Stefan who bullied her several months ago. This was her victory over him that she vowed to succeed, wasn\'t it?

"Stefan Mackenzie" She called his name with her formal voice.

"Yes." the big man responded immediately. Wirata held his face with her two hands.

"Do you really love me?"

"Yes, I love you with all my heart. Please believe me. I can marry you tomorrow if you want."

The heartfelt voice responded firmly.

"What you have done, it was because you love and want to keep me with you forever, right?"

She continued to ask. Stefan nodded.

"That\'s right. I want to tie you with the strongest thing I could think of."

He replied like a student answering a teacher\'s questions.

"So, you think having a baby will keep us together forever? Do you know what are the strongest things that can tie and hold two people together forever?"

Wirata touched his face with tenderness. He was really thinking to find an answer. So cute. She pulled him to sit on the edge of the bed. So he lifted her to sit on his lap again.

"Tell me please."

Stefan said softly. Better to listen to the wise person as he respected her intelligence about the philosophy of life.

"The strongest things that can tie and hold a man and a woman together are...love, trust, faithfulness, and honesty that they have for each other."

She explained.

"If having children could tie a husband and wife together forever, meaning the couples without kids, they all would have to break up then, because they don\'t have kids to hold them together."

She continued.

 "My heart belongs to you, Wine ... I\'m not a thinker nor an analyst in the love field. But one thing I do know well is I know my own heart and always follow it. I love you. I want to have babies with you. I want to build a family with you. That\'s what I want. It isn\'t wrong to want a baby, is it?"

"No, it isn\'t wrong. But the relationship that starts with lies is not good. It should start with love, honesty, and faithfulness like I said. Another important thing is to communicate with one another sincerely and openly. If we started to lie since the first day and thinking that it\'s only a small lie, not matter. This attitude isn\'t good to carry in our soul. Big lie or small lie, it\'s a lie. So it\'s not good, no excuses. Many small lies can develop to be big lies and one day it may cause the marriage breakdown."

 Wirata said Stefan agreed in his heart. But he pretended to frown a little according to the style of the man who did not like being taught.

"You lecture me every day. Aren\'t you afraid that my soul will be dead clean and wishing to become a monk and go to Nirvana heaven instead of being here with you? "

Stefan teased and nuzzled his face on the crook of her neck.

"Don\'t be angry, please."

He whispered with his pleading voice. Wirata could help but smile. She prayed that their babies would not as crafty and stubborn as their father.

"Just leave a golf club in this room."

she wore a serious face while said it. Stefan looked up. He saw the beautiful face was smiling. He smiled with happiness in his heart.

"Okay. I\'ll keep it close to your hand. If I lie to you again, you can swing it on my head."

He said firmly. Wirata nodded in agreement.

"Very good. This is the first time you lied to me. So, I will forgive you for that. But no more next time, deal? "

"Yes, my love. Deal!"

Stefan hurried to say. He sighed out with a relief that not get hit by a golf club and everything ended well.

"Very good! Then I will take a shower now. It\'s been a long day."

Wirata said. But he did not let her off his lap yet.

"Tomorrow I will take you to the doctor. From now on, you are not doing any cooking. I will order from the restaurant or we can eat out."

"No, I will continue to do what I do. I am just pregnant, not disabled. It\'s good having activities to keep myself fit and good for the baby, too."

She protested. Stefan sighed. He was not going to win her with words.

"Okay. Tomorrow please make seafood fried rice and add a lot of squid for me."

The dashing voice said, making Wirata widened her eyes to hear that!

"What?! Since when did you like the squids? "

Wirata asked with puzzled tone. Stefan scratched his head.

"I don\'t know. The other day I smelled it from a restaurant and it made my mouth-watering."

The man who hated squid replied.

Very strange! Wirata hoped there would not be anything weirder than this. But she did hear about the story when a woman got pregnant, sometimes her man had the side-effects. The Thais said if the man loved his woman so much, he would get morning sickness for his wife.

"Tonight I will do it gently. "

the lusty man whispered and kissed on her cheek.

"Oh, no. Didn\'t you know that sex is not allowed during the first three months of pregnancy? It might cause miscarriage."

Wirata said with her straight face.

Stefan gasped.

 "What?! No sex for three months?! Are you kidding, right?!"

"No kidding. In fact, five months to be the safest."


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