
Chapter 200 - You Are My World (2)

"Have you finished talking yet? I have to go out soon."

The shouting was from Wirata.

Stefan then thought of something. He had to see Bernardo. As he hardly went out since Jefeo was born so he should take this opportunity to go out for fresh air. To ask Bernardo for a clear picture of the ongoing situation by himself.

"You two wait here. We may go out in a bit. But let my wife go out first."

 Stefan whispered to his men. Then he hurried to go to the living room but Wirata was not there so he walked to the bedroom.

Jefeo had already slept in the bed. Wirata had changed to wear jeans and a shirt with a jacket on top. She still had a nice slender figure with her hips expanded a little looking even sexier than before. Stefan smiled and pulled her in. He kissed her lips hungrily. Wirata let him kiss her for two seconds and pushed the big man away.

"I am in a hurry." She said. Stefan cuddled her in his arms, not let go easily.

"You are so beautiful, I love it when you wear jeans like this. I love your sexy ass and big boobs. Hm, want to suck your nipples."

The lusty man said.  He bent down to her breasts but she pushed his face away before he started the activity that would make her late for the appointment.

"No, don\'t be naughty. I have to go."

She said. He still hugged her tightly.

"Can I have one quick round before you go?"

He asked with his puppy eyes and high hope.

 "Please don\'t say naughty stuff in front of Jeffy."

She said with her low voice as she was afraid to wake the little guy up.

 "He is asleep. No problem. He can\'t hear us, can he?" Stefan whispered.

"It\'s a good practice to have good etiquette. They say that a baby has a special sense. Even he is sleeping but his subconscious mind is still working. So, he can hear what you say."

Wirata said but Stefan still did not let her go.

"Okay, understood. But can I have five minutes, please? I will be quick. I feel so hot to see my sexy wife in tight jeans like this."

The man said and stroke her hips. Wirata hit his hands

 "Stefan, I am in a hurry. Please let me go. And I would like to borrow your car. The one that you hardly use."

She spoke. Stefan sighed and kissed on her cheek before letting her out of his embrace.

 "Ben can drive for you."

 Stefan said. He preferred to have his man going with her. But Wirata shook her head.

"It\'s okay. I can drive."

Because Wirata did not want anyone especially, Bernardo\'s men, to know. So she would use the car that Stefan rarely used. She was afraid they would follow, it would be dangerous to Amiya.

"Alright, up to you. Drive carefully, okay? But give me one more kiss before you go."

The boss ordered and then when he saw she sent a glare, he walked to her and gathered her into his arms again.

 "I have missed you already. Don\'t want to let you go now."

The man was behaving like a teenager, switching his moods back and forth. However, Wirata was happy to see him very sweet like this. But she pretended to roll her eyes as Ben and James would do. And Stefan did not miss it. The handsome face turned sullen immediately.

"Hey, don\'t you act like the two jackasses outside. Roling your eyes like that."

Why everyone liked doing this to him, Stefan did not get it. Wirata then smiled and kissed on his cheeks to make him feel better.

"I miss you always, Stefan Mackenzie. But it\'s time for me to go now. Please give Jeffy his milk on time. When he wakes up and cry, do you remember what to do, right?"

Wirata checked the man if he would be able to handle the baby. He usually could but with her around.

"Oh, I do remember darling. If Jeffy wakes up and cries. I will sing the ABCD song to him, of course. He loves to hear me singing this song and he stops crying every single time."

 He answered wisely and proudly. Wirata smiled and patted his cheek.

"Very good. And in the worst scenario, he doesn\'t stop crying and he even cries more and shouting and screaming very loud as he does sometimes. What will you do?"

She tested him a little more.

 "I will be screaming louder than him."

The man responded immediately with confidence in his answer like a student answering teacher questions. The teacher shook her head and hid her amusement.

"If he cries and screams nonstop, you have to comfort him. Look in his pampers if he is wet or not. Or he might be hungry."

Wirata gave him a lecture. Stefan used his finger to poke her forehead.

"You are talking too much. I know how to look after my son. These days, tell me who wakes up more at night for him? You or me?"

Stefan asked and poked his finger at her chest.


Wirata answered making the man smiled pleasingly.

"Who changes diapers more often, you or me?"


"Who is the one who baths him more? You or me?"

"You. Okay, hubby. You are great. I love you so much and I am running late. I am happy that you know everything and Jeffy is in a good hand now."

Wirata cut it short before the man would raise himself nonstop. He did do a lot for Jeffy and for her. And she very much appreciated it. She gave him a peck on his lips and walked to the door.

"Don\'t you worry, darling. I am good here."

Stefan spoked after her and smiled as the winner. He felt quite proud of himself. When saw his wife disappeared, he turned to nod to the sleeping baby.

"See your mummy? She talks too much but your father still manage to win. In the future, when you have a wife, make sure, she is not going to be over you."

He gave his son the first lesson on how to be a winning husband when he was only 6 months old. What a great father!


The clear voice shouted from the door making Stefan jumped a little. He thought she was gone.

"Have you put the clothes in the washing machine yet?"

Wirata asked. Currently, Stefan was doing all the baby\'s clothes by himself because he was overprotective. He did not trust anyone would do it cleaner than him!

 "I am going to do it right now. You just go, Wine. Don\'t worry, my love."

He hurried to reply with a sweet smile. Wirata pretended to send him a knowing glare that she heard what he had said to the baby before. Stefan then pretended to send a flying kiss to her. Wirata shook her head before smiling at her beloved husband. He was great and always entertaining. She was so lucky. Wirata would never forget about how fortunate she was.

"Love you, Stefan Mackenzie." She said and gave him a flying kiss back then disappeared again.

Stefan hurriedly sneaked to see that she definitely had gone this time.

"Hey, guys, prepare yourself. Call Bernardo and tell him that I am going to see him at the casino."

Stefan immediately ordered his men.

"What about Jeffy, boss?"

Ben asked.

"I will take him out to open his eyes. James, go prepare the milk and baby\'s stuff quickly. Ben go prepare Summer. Today I\'ll take my children to visit the casino for the experience. It\'s time to see the real world as we, manly men should do."

The boss said with his proud voice.

James and Ben turned to look at each other.

"Are you sure it is a good idea, boss? Going to casino with an infant and a dog. In case there is a situation, or if something bad happens."

James reminded his boss as it\'s Bernardo\'s casino. The casino that had 2 entrances, one for peaceful customers and the other one was for his enemies which Stefan used to use service often in the past!

 "Nothing will happen. I and Bernardo, we haven\'t kicked each other\'s ass for a long time."

"But, Bernardo\'s situation at the moment is not quite good. He is targeted by both police and gangsters."

 Ben supported James. It was best if the boss stayed home with his baby and Summer.

"Don\'t be chicken. It will be fine. As I have a very strong instinct nothing\'s going to happen today. It is a good Friday. No worries." Stefan said with confidence.

 James and Ben shut up and gave up. Both knew that the boss wanted to go out for fun and entertainment since it had been a long time for him to stay at home peacefully. Since little Jeffeo came out to see the world, the boss was obsessed with his son. He only went out for shopping when necessary and that was it. He had stayed in the house for the longest time as far as Ben and James could remember.

The bodyguards then nodded. They went to prepare the stuff for the baby and the dog as the boss had ordered.

Stefan woke Jeffy up.

"Wakey-wakey, son. It\'s time to have fun. Let\'s go say Hello to your big badass uncle!"

The father said cheerfully to his six months old son. Jeffy woke up and looked up at his father. He then screamed out loud as he did not want to wake up and did not have enough sleep for the midday nap yet.

"A B C D E F G..."

The father started to sing immediately as he knew his cue. Jeffy stopped crying for a second to look with his big eyes. And he then cried even louder. Stefan also sang louder and checked if his baby was wet or not.

Ben and James heard the noise, the baby\'s crying and the big voice of the boss was singing the ABCD song very loud. They laughed to hear the boss was trying to win his son with his big and loud voice.

"The fun has started already."

Ben said to James. They laugh out loud while getting things ready.

"Arf! Arf!"

Summer made noise to join the band. He ran to the bedroom to his father and little brother. James had to run after him.

Twenty minutes later, the parade of the money mogul\'s cars drove out of the Grand MC hotel, the destination was Casino Grand Costar!

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