
Chapter 70: Magic Beast Outbreak

Chapter 70: Magic Beast Outbreak

[ Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 200,000 (+1,300,000 [Mana])

Agility: 300,000 (+2,300,000 [Mana])

Vitality: 800,000 (+1,200,000 [Mana])

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 300, 000

Unique Skills:

-Magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -Magic mastery -Grimoire of death -Real Clone [Heavenly Slime] -Eye of Wisdom -Sword God -Fenrir Arken -Predator of the sky -Wild Beasts Skills -Knight’s soul -Defiler of the banished, Ataraxia]


Oz sends his consciousness to the goblin [King] clone that is sitting at the meeting room inside Aegir’s house.

When Oz opens his eyes in the goblin [King] clone’s body, he found something strange about the house.

“It’s strange…” Oz mumbled to himself while narrowing his eyes.

(What’s strange, master?) (Fenrir)

“It’s too quiet,” (Oz)

Every time Oz’s at Tarot, even if he’s inside Aegir’s house, the voices of people outside could always be heard. But strangely, even though it’s not even afternoon yet, Oz couldn’t hear the usual voices, and he couldn’t even sense Geeta’s presence inside the house.

“I have a bad feeling about this…” Oz hurriedly gets out of Aegir’s house to check the situation as he muttered those words.

“W-wha?” Oz got speechless when he saw that it’s also empty outside, not even a single person could be found wandering near Aegir’s house.

Fenrir and Reo that usually voice out their opinion bluntly fall silent seeing their master shocked state.

Oz’s hands start to tremble as his imagination starts to go wild. Oz couldn’t scan their presence that easily because his qi got blocked by the demon emperor, he could only sense a presence that under 15 meters far from him.

“Please be fine…” Oz muttered hopefully as he gritted his teeth.

Oz dashes to wander the town seeking for anyone, his heart is heavy because of countless wild imagination that popped up inside his head. But when Oz’s near the capital’s gate, Oz started to hear the sounds of a crowd from the distance.

Oz focuses his eyes and saw countless people are gathering near the capital’s gate and Aegir’s standing on top of the wall with a firm face. The main gate’s closed, but when Oz steps closer to the gate, the sound of swords clashing and cries of beasts suddenly sounded.

(Don’t tell me…) (Oz)

Feeling relieved because his people didn’t get vanished or get slaughtered by an unknown enemy, Oz starts to feel some warmth at his chest. Oz grasps the understanding of the situation quickly when he saw the knights under Ibra battling against some magic beasts.

Oz calls his griffin clone to help him fly and went to Aegir that’s sitting on top of the great wall.

“Yo, Aegir! How’s the situation?” Oz came with a broad grin on his face.

“Ren!! We’ve waited for you for ages!! Fortunately, it’s still under control right now, but I have a feeling that something isn’t right with how the magic beasts attack,” Aegir widen his eyes when he saw Oz’s figure, and his expression quickly reverts to a relieved one.

“I see…” (Oz)

“They started their attack since yesterday morning, Gareth contact me immediately when the magic beasts start to attack the undead kingdom. Just like what you’ve expected, there are some aerial magic beasts too, luckily we’ve prepared archers all over the walls,” (Aegir)

“Yesterday, there are thousands of bears, apes, and birds type that attacks the undead kingdom, while only hundreds of them attack the other kingdoms and our capital,” (Aegir)

“But today, it looks like they’ve found out that the capital is bigger and had more defenses than the other kingdoms, so they’ve sent more magic beasts here far more than the number they sent to the undead kingdom yesterday,” (Aegir)

“Following your orders, we occasionally let some magic beasts in to have the knights and the soldiers experience real-time battle. It’s very effective, they’ve shifts for every hour and it gives them a lot of experiences, we hit quite a jackpot on that side,” (Aegir)

“That’s great,” Oz said with satisfaction.

“There’s also no casualties until now, but…” Aegir’s face suddenly filled with doubts.

“But?” (Oz)

“Their attack pattern is strange, and judging from the way they attack us, it’s as if this army of magic beasts are only a sacrificable pawn for them…” Said Aegir as he stares at the magic beasts that are attacking the walls.

Seeing Aegir’s shifted his sight to the other side of the walls, Oz followed his line of sight. Oz could hear both Fedra and Ibra giving orders to their respective underlings.

Ibra made a defensive formation to the four sides of the capital, the west, east, south, and north. Every side has dozens of elite archers that keep on shooting down the flying beasts, and elite knights that will defend the archers when the flying beasts manage to survive from the volleys of arrows.

Ibra put more new-recruited knights at the main gate, so they could experience a safe real-time battle with the magic beasts. Because of the great moat that surrounds the capital, the bears and apes could only pass moat every time the bridge is put down.

Fedra’s legion is ready on standby in front of the main gate of the capital, in case something went wrong, the Tarot legion soldiers will begin to wipe out the magic beasts.

Different from the other kingdoms, the capital had all types of soldiers, and only elite soldiers will be allowed to join the imperial knight order, the league of the crest, or the imperial legion, Tarot legion. If the undead knight order is consists of undead only, the imperial knight order, the league of the crest had all races combined, and they’re trained to be able to make an elite squad of knights.

Using the fully armored undead that has limitless stamina as a tank together with the powerful minotaur, and having the elf and goblin as both the rear guard and support magician, a lot of unique teams had been formed at the knight order that made the imperial knight order invincible.

At the imperial legion, there are the natural cavalry, the centaurs. And the orcs that have immense strength that made a great soldier, both Ibra and Fedra followed Oz’s guide of taking advantage of each treat and talents from each race.

Great teamwork, trained body, and combined with the martial arts Oz invented for them, every Tarotans admire them and wish to be able to join them.

Even though Gareth’s undead kingdom is the one that got attacked first by the magic beast outbreak, they still stand powerfully because of their powerful military power. Different from the other kingdom, all people of the undead kingdom are basically a natural soldier, every undead has the strength to fight back.

With the special treat of the undead kingdom, the undead pawn soldier summoning, even without a moat surrounding them, with a hundred undead summoner they could outnumber the magic beasts easily by summoning countless undead pawn soldier.

The other kingdoms also had it easy, the goblins are smart, they easily outsmart the magic beasts with traps. The orcs and the minotaurs overpower them with strength. The elves use their magics and archery skills to defend. The centaurs, lizardfolk, and kobolds crush them with their martial arts.

When Oz stares at the magic beasts under the walls, he found something strange.

“Hm?” Oz narrowed his eyes to see clearer.

(They really have intelligence, huh…) (Oz)

The magic beasts that haven’t pass the moat yet waited obediently for the bridge to be put down once more if they’re a normal magic beast, they should have already tried to swim over the moat and dies, but there are only two or three corpses of them that Oz could see floating above the moat.

(It might be bad, master. It means that the real inhabitants of this magical forest are already started to take the initiative to confront you) (Reo)

(Real inhabitants?) (Oz)

(The king of south, west, east, and north master faced before could only be considered as demi-humans. While the real inhabitants of the magical forest of Everdeen that are feared by everyone are the magic beasts) (Fenrir)

(Y-you mean-) (Oz)

(Yes, master. These magic beasts are the real inhabitants I mean, while the real kings that live inside the magical forest of Everdeen are supposed to be magic beasts too, so it means that their ruler is the true kings of the magical forest of Everdeen) (Fenrir)

(Wow, this forest had a lot of kings…) (Oz)

(It’s normal, the forest is far too wide after all. Even master could make an empire at this forest and still didn’t found all ends of the forest, right?) (Fenrir)

(Indeed…) (Oz)

(Back then before Fenrir and I got cursed, the magical forest of Everdeen is ruled by the lion king, bear king, eagle king, and gorilla king. There are other kinds of other magic beast race king, but four of them have the most territory in the forest, while Fenrir and I lived there together with some of our spirit subjects and have our own territory here) (Reo)

(But after we’re cursed, our subjects went back to the spirit realm, and the magic beasts fully rule the forest) (Fenrir)

(Ah! I remember one thing, master!) (Fenrir)

(What is it?) (Oz)

(It’s said that the magic beasts serve the absolute power, they follow the most powerful person. There are also some magic beasts that used to serve me back then because of my strength. If only I could retrieve back my divine powers from the spirit king and get my real power back) (Fenrir)

(They serve the absolute power, huh…) (Oz)

“Oi, Ren! Why are you spacing out?” Aegir asked Oz.

But Oz suddenly shows his usual smirk.

“Nothing, I just got an idea…” (Oz)

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