
Chapter 212: Vol3 Ch12: Living is the process during which people discover themselves to be doomed to mediocrity

Chapter 212: Vol3 Ch12: Living is the process during which people discover themselves to be doomed to mediocrity

Translator: La0o9

〖 The daily life that you described is the process during which people gradually discover themselves to be doomed to mediocrity 〗Negary spoke honestly: 〖 Most of the time, people are helpless to do anything but watch as others become heroes, watch as they live colorful lives while we watch on, finally ending up as nothing but bystanders in this world 〗

〖 Most people would also recognize a certain fact during their long and boring daily lives 〗Negary glanced at the human-faced snake that was slowly calming down and continued: 〖 That is: regardless of how much effort they put in, their lives were destined to fade into obscurity 〗

〖 However, there are always those who are unwilling to accept this fate 〗Negary raised his foot, the bone blade retracted back into his body, no longer restraining the human-faced snake while he slowly walked towards the two lucky survivors: 〖 They desire to become extraordinary; they desire to be different; they desire to see a more perfect version of themselves. They wish to no longer be dominated by reality, but dominate reality in return! 〗

〖 And so I ask you, mister Isrig, are you willing to become such a person, become a part of myself? 〗Negary charged towards the men in front of him, brandishing a newly grown bone blade on his arm to attack without hesitation: 〖 You two gentlemen as well, do you wish to join me? 〗

“We are properties of God, and a sinner like yourself deserves judgement!” Reid couldn’t help but admit, for a very brief moment, he felt Negary’s charm. He felt the impulse that originated from the most primal instinct of humans, almost persuaded by the enemy’s sinful declarations. During his journey of confirming and strengthening his faith in God, from the knight training barracks to become a Red Sun Knight, he had indeed felt himself to live an insufficiently splendid life.

This was the nature of humans, the nature to never feel satisfied. Compared to other people, to the citizens of Lohr, he was a noble Red Sun Knight of the Sun Shadow church, his life should be splendid, the subject of admiration for many.

But Reid was the same, he also had people he admired, he felt envious of those who could become Divine Guards, envious of them being able to walk closer to God.

But Reid’s faith was firm, and he only wavered for a single split second before he charged at Negary with his sword in hand.

Negary felt a bit regretful. He had borrowed the impact of suddenly killing off the majority of people in this room, then roused the small cracks within human mentality to express the meaning of Negary, but it was still a bit lacking as he couldn’t pry open Reid’s mental guard.

The Night Watcher had indeed been touched by Negary’s words and charm, but the ropes that the Sun Shadow church used to restrain them were bound very tightly, causing them to feel tempted, but unable to move from their restraints.

The only one who was conquered by Negary was Isrig, this human-faced snake was originally searching for the meaning of his own life, and his mind was also crumbling from the Ritual of snakes. Under the pressure and opportunistic approach of Negary, he had temporarily been convinced, most likely, the more he remained with Negary, the quicker he would be able to find the meaning of his life, the meaning called Negary.

〖 Then, excuse me 〗Negary swung his arms forward, the bone blades clashing against the knight’s weapons.

The skin at the back of his hand where the blades connected immediately firmed up, parrying the sword and struck Reid’s armor head on. The vibrating force was transferred through the armor to give off a resounding metal chime, followed by Reid’s pained grunt.

Negary’s body turned, his other bone blade blocking the sawblade of the Night Watcher, not at all letting his guard down.

The reason why he was able to kill so many people in a short while had a lot to do with the information he collected before this; because while Reid was a Red Sun Knight, he didn’t put up his guard too much around his younger brother.

So not only did Negary mess with his helmet, he had also tested the defensive characteristics of Reid’s armor.

All of the Red Sun Knights’ armors were made of a unique metal, while it was essentially no different from refined steel, the key point lied within the power that permeated through the metal and how it was forged.

This metal had all been blessed by a divine technique, combined with their unique forging process created a material that had immense defensive powers, as well as high resistance against heat.

If Negary didn’t have the data regarding the armor’s composition, he wouldn’t have been able to calculate the accurate frequency for his bone blades during the initial ambush, nor could he injure Reid so easily.

Damn it, if we weren’t suddenly ambushed, I wouldn’t have fallen into this passive position.

Reid’s stomach was ringing in pain, if his constitution didn’t surpass a normal human, that attack just now would have reached and crushed his organs.

And the Red Sun armor as well, why isn’t it doing anything?

Reid was full of doubts, but his faith in God was enough for him to dispel all negative thoughts and focus on facing Negary.

It felt as if the enemy was extremely used to his attacks, his every movement and techniques were being perfectly read, fighting against such an enemy caused Reid to feel like he was simply dancing around in the palm of their hand.

And this was exactly what was happening, while Negary silently followed them, he had collected a lot of data regarding this group. Furthermore, Green was first taught how to fight by Reid, so there was a lot of Reid’s data included within his memories. And finally, the germs that were attached to Reid’s helmet were also transferring data, allowing Negary to perfectly grasp every time Reid’s muscles stretched, each time he breathed, and each beat of his heart.

This is a bit dangerous.

Reid silently muttered to himself. There were several factors contributing to a Red Sun Knight’s strength, the first was their superhuman constitution from being cleansed by Holy Water; the second was the Brand of the Red Sun, which allowed them to be sensitive to heat; the third was the Blessing of Glory, this blessing from the Cardinal would allow them to always remember the teachings of God, granting them resistance against the persuasion of wicked ideals; and the final factor was the power of divine techniques. Naturally, there was also their daily training and the equipment they had.

The Brand of the Red Sun and Blessing of Glory were basically passive buffs, so the only active supernatural power they had access to were divine techniques, but the number of divine techniques that a knight could prepare was limited.

He wasn’t a priest, while there were over a hundred kinds of divine technique he could perform, he could only prepare ten uses of divine techniques per day.

To counteract the sewers environment, he needed to constantly keep up one [Divine Light], one [Detect Magic], and one [Healthy Breathing]; he also had two uses of [Dispel Poison] prepared against the snake monsters, but it was useless against the current enemy. He only had one out of the two uses of [Sword of Extreme Heat], two [Gentle Light] for the sake of healing, and a [Sunfire Aura] remaining.

“The light of God eternally shines” Reid chanted the prayers for the divine technique, using it to heal the wounds in his body, then retreated a bit while signaling to the Night Watcher to help him stall for a bit of time.

The Night Watcher also understood that this was a crucial moment, so he swung his saw blade while chanting an inexplicable incantation, then pulled out a small sphere and crushed it in his hand to squeeze out a black powder.

This black powder then quickly burned, the smoke produced by the burning powder drifted around the Night Watcher after he finished his incantation.

Unlike the knights, the power of the Night Watchers all originated from monsters, they harvested the bodies of monsters to collect materials, which they could utilize with the combination of certain incantations and rituals.

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